Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 · ?

    [[Second Update] Lu Zhipai coaxes his wife]

    Yan Shu's words are like acupuncture points in a martial arts novel, instantly fixing all the people in the box.

    Everyone stared at her in astonishment.

    She was so arrogant that her mind went blank. Yiyi Xiangwuhua, settle in Tianya

    and add a zero for Peng Jian to take off?

    That's 50 million?

    So rich, so attractive, but it sounds so cool, what's the matter?

    Several people looked at Yan Shu no longer looking at a good show, but looking at an idol, and they wanted to be so crazy!


    I don't know who made the first snort, and then one after another, and after a while, everyone in the box, except Peng Jian, burst into laughter.

    Peng Jian's face was ashen with anger, his face was red with anger, and his whole body was shaking.

    He glared at Yan Shu viciously, clenching the wine bottle in his hand tightly, "Yan Shu, what are you talking about?"

    Yan Shu is not afraid of him, even if she can't beat him, there is still her brother.

    Therefore, she raised her sharp white chin and said, "I said I'll add a zero to you, fifty million, you can take it off and show it to me! Of course, if you think you have less money, I will I can also add it to you, but I advise you not to know that it is more than 100 million, it's not that I can't afford it, but that I'm afraid of you..." His eyes swept across Peng Jian's crotch meaningfully, and his lips hooked: "It's not worthy. "


    "Hahaha-" The

    scene laughed again.

    So relieved, so relieved!

    To be honest, Peng Jian's behavior just now not only wanted to insult Yan Shu, but also had a feeling of looking down on women, and a few famous ladies could not get used to it.

    Besides, Peng Jian's words and deeds are usually very low, and he has not been very popular in the circle of celebrities.

    "Yan Shu, you! You!" Peng Jian passed out, reaching out to grab Yan Shu's collar.

    But Yan Xu quickly slapped him away, and the young nursing sister madly blocked between the two, "What do you want to do? Do you want to do it? Young master, I'll kill you!"

    Peng Jian was really angry, because some men Well, that's it, he can play porn/sex/jokes on women without a bottom line, but he doesn't allow women to play on men.

    Double marked clearly.

    So Peng Jian really wanted to fight, he stretched out his hand to push Yan Xu.

    At this time, Wang Xin, who had been watching the play, finally came out and said, "Okay, everyone, stop joking, Peng Jian, I see you've been drinking too much. I'll go find a private room for you, how about you rest?"

    She wanted to put the angry Peng Jian away.

    He also gave a wink to the other men in the box and asked them to put the person out.

    Peng Jian was so angry that he couldn't let it out, and he was always persuaded to "Okay, okay, you have drunk too much." "Let's go, brother will take you to smoke a cigarette to wake up."

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