Just a dream 🔥

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"Fuck-mhhmmm-Tae" Jungkook moans out in pure bliss as Taehyung kisses the tip of his cock.

"You like that don't you baby boy" Taehyung smirks looking up at Jungkook with dark eyes filled with lust and desire. Jungkook wanted him right then and there. He wanted to be filled by Taehyung, no he needed to be filled by Taehyung. 

"Tae, please--- ple- please" Jungkook pleads and moans while Taehyung places light touches all over his body going from his chest down to his nipples taking some time to play with them. He caresses one while sucking the other one which lead to more moans ripping out of the youngers mouth. He then brought his hands down to touch Jungkook all over his inner thighs getting near his erect member but not quite touching it. No, he wanted Jungkook to come undone. He wanted him to beg for it.

"Please what baby" Taehyung asks the muscular man who could not stop shivering from pleasure. "Use your words baby, daddy wants to hear you." The dominant man whispers seductively into Jungkooks ear causing yet again another loud moan to erupt from his lips.

"Daddy--- ppleas-please--" He moans as Taehyung starts palming his already leaking cock. "Touch me--pl-please- fuck- fuck me." He lets out finally not the least bit embarrassed, how could he be when they are enjoying themselves too much. This is everything he ever wanted since he met Taehyung back in Freshman year of High School. He tried to get his attention multiple times with no avail. Taehyung would always turn him down saying he needed to study. It's a whole miracle that he is here right now about to be fucked by his all time crush.

"Is that what you want baby?" Taehyung asks sweetly but as soon as Jungkook nods his face quickly changes into a smirk with devious eyes and says, "Then beg for it baby" while going down on Jungkook's cock. Licking and teasing not quite doing anything to bring too much pleasure waiting to see if Jungkook submits to him.

"Tae--please-fuc-fuck me" The younger one pleads tears falling from his eyes like rain. "Make me yours Daddy." At those words Taehyung stops caressing Jungkook and decides to end his torture.

"Suck baby. You've been a good boy." Taehyung brings three of his fingers up to Jungkook's mouth which he gladly accepts and starts sucking as if it were Taehyungs own full cock. "I'm going to make you see stars baby." Is the last thing Taehyung says before going down on Jungkook and licking his rim. He then delicately puts in one of the wet fingers inside Jungkook's hole while kissing his ass cheeks. All Jungkook was able to do was whine and moan, his brain not able to produce words, too distracted by how delighting it all feels.

Seeing how Jungkook seems in the edge of glory, Taehyung couldn't help but think how beautiful he truly is. His dark hair all sweaty some of the strands sticking to his face his eyes a magnificent shade of dark brown filled with lust. Mesmerized by the younger's beauty he jammed his other two fingers inside his hole.

"TAEHYUNGGG- AHHH" Jungkook screamed out in pain at the sensation of three fingers fucking into him. His pain soon turned into pleasure and he found himself moaning Tae's name over and over again.

"Jungkook" Jungkook hears someone call out his name but it sounded far away.

"Come on, Kookie, wake up." He is shaken awake by his roommate Hoseok, who happens to also be his best friend. "We're gonna be late asshole. Hurry up!" Hoseok glares at Jungkook as he gets up and gets ready for the day.

They went to get breakfast which sadly there was only oatmeal and bananas left since they got there late thanks to Jungkook. They decided to just get the banana and banana milk and took a seat in the back with the rest of the basketball players.

"Damn, I thought ya'll weren't going to show up today." Their ginger friend says when he sees them. "Good thing you made it though since we have practice today."

Yoongi is the basketball teams captain and another one of Jungkook's best friend. He would usually hangout with Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jin if it wasn't a whole basketball team hangout.

"Why were you guys late?" asks Jin all worried, "you missed breakfast all they have left is nasty oatmeal and bananas." Jin had a tendency to worry for his friends wellbeing and to tend to them making sure they were well-fed.

"Jungkook woke up with a hard on and took forever to handle that." Hoseok lets out nonchalantly causing the dark brunet to blush and hide his face in embarrassment.

"Aish. Kid you need to stop lurking at Taehyung's social media before going to sleep. It's not good for you. He doesn't pay attention to you Jungkook. You can have anyone you want so why him?" Jin says while placing his hand on the younger's shoulder in a supporting manner. Jungkook just sighs and says, "I can't stop thinking about him he's too perfect." He says this while staring at the "nerds" table which consisted of Taehyung, Jimin, and Namjoon. Taehyung was busy reading the science textbook before his first class preparing to be ahead of the class.

Noticing how hopeless Jungkook was Jin decides to let it go and pulls him into a side hug while walking to class together with the rest of their friends.

~~~~ xxdeeviexx ~~~~

Hey guys,

Hopefully you would like this story I don't have much planned I'm just winging it but either way hope it's up to your standards.

Just writing it cause I feel like there's not enough Taekook FF here in wattpad :(

It was my first time writing smut hopefully it wasn't super cringe or weird. I have A LOT of kinks that I wanna try writing for this story but I won't promise anything because if I write it and feel weirded out or feel like it is awkward then I won't publish it.

Also, this story will probably have short chapters like this sorry if you guys don't like that but I am busy with classes.

Let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

Have a nice day,



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