Concert tickets 🔥

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Taehyung was sitting down next to Jimin waiting for history class to start when Jungkook comes running to him. "Babe! Did you see Halsey is coming to Seoul? She's doing a concert here!" Jungkook screams in excitement while shoving his phone in Taehyung's face so he could see the tour announcement. His eyes widen in shock, Halsey is his favorite artist but he's never been able to see her live since she's never made it to South Korea.

"We have to go! When is she coming?" Jungkook checks his phone seeing the dates. "Hmm let's see..." he scans the website, "Thursday, March 12" he says and Taehyung's excitement banishes.

"Jungkook, I can't that day." March 12 was his mother's birthday and every year since her passing he celebrates it with his father eating his mother's favorite food. "I wish I could go with you, Kooks, but I can't leave my dad alone I'm sorry." Jungkook realizes his mistake and hugs Taehyung while apologizing for getting him excited for no reason.

"It's not your fault, Kookie, you didn't know. Thank you for trying to do something special for me." He says knowing that Jungkook only wanted to go to Halsey's concert to make Taehyung happy.

"I'd do anything for you baby." He says and the professor walks in right on time making them be quiet and focused on the lecture.

After the class ends Jungkook goes to his room and checks the tour website again and sees that Halsey was also going to have a concert in Busan on March 14. They would have to book a hotel but it was possible. He wants to keep it a surprise but he needs to know that Taehyung can make it so he goes to ask Jimin for help.

"Jimin, do you know if Taehyung is busy March 14?" Jimin raises his eyebrows at the younger man. "Why?" He explains everything and Jimin was excited for his best friend and was determined to help Jungkook make this trip special.

"Dude just buy the tickets and the hotel. I'll force him to go with you just do it." The blond dude tells Jungkook who heeds his instructions buying two vip tickets to the Badlands tour. He also books two nights at a 5 star hotel in Busan near the stadium.

As soon as he finishes purchasing everything he texts Taehyung telling him he has a surprise for him and that he'll tell him at dinner.

They went out to dinner that night to a fancy Brazilian steakhouse. Jungkook was feeling romantic and wanted to appreciate Taehyungie more.

"Baby you look so gorgeous." Jungkook says while eyeing his boyfriend who was wearing a dark blue long sleeve dress shirt and jeans. "Stop." Taehyung blushes at his Kookie's compliments.

"It's true baby you're driving me insane with those eyes and those lips." Jungkook licks his lips and Taehyung felt himself starting to get hard.

"Jungkook please we're in public don't start something you don't plan to finish." Jungkook smirks at that and whispers, "who says I'm not planning on finishing?" He winks at Taehyung who gulps in response taking a sip of water.

"So.... What was the surprise?" Taehyung asks trying to change the subject, really trying to avoid getting a full boner at dinner.

"Ohh please say you can make it... I got us tickets to Halsey's concert!" He exclaims forgetting all about their previous flirtatious conversation. "Wait Jungkook I told you I couldn't go." Taehyung says confused as to why Jungkook would buy the tickets if he couldn't make it.

"No babe she's going to perform in Busan two days later. I bought us tickets for that concert and I booked a hotel for two nights for us." Taehyung's mouth opens in surprise. How did he get so lucky with such an amazing boyfriend. He starts tearing up a bit thinking of how loved he is.

"Kookie... I love you, you know. I truly freaking love you." He says throwing himself across the table kissing his man.

"I hope you know you're worth all of it baby. Think of it as a thank you for helping me in my studies." Taehyung can't help the feeling inside him so he kisses Jungkook again and again.

"Taetae be good you're making me hard." Jungkook says while placing Taehyung's hand on his crotch so he could feel his hardened member.

"Shit! I'm hard too." As if those were magic words Jungkook decides to grab his hand and guides him towards the exit of the restaurant. He goes up to the server and gives him more than enough money to cover for their tab and then they take off. Once they reach campus they decide to go to Jungkook's dorm seeing as Hoseok was hanging out at Jin's.

As soon as they open the door to Jungkook's dorm they start making out. Their hands all over each other's body.


"Hmm Jungkook damn." Taehyung moans as Jungkook sucks his neck and squeezes his ass cheek. They make their way to Jungkook's bed and they sit on it.

"Baby, I want to taste you." Taehyung tells Jungkook before kissing him again.

"Then do it." He pushes Taehyung's head down to his crotch making the elder chuckle a bit. "Desperate are we?" He teases while going to unbuckle the younger's pants. He looks up at him as if to ask for permission and Jungkook nods. He removes the pants and the boxers in one go causing Jungkook to hiss at the cold sensation as the air hit his privates.

"Damn, you're so beautiful, Jungkook" Taehyung admires the view in front of him while planting small kisses along Jungkook's inner thighs. He starts licking and sucking his inner thighs as well causing Jungkook to thrust his hips. Getting the message that Jungkook was sending Taehyung licks a line along his shaft all the way to the tip of his cock.

"Ahh fuck" moans Jungkook his mouth opening from pleasure.

Taehyung kisses the tip softly before putting it in his mouth and sucking it. He then takes the whole length in his mouth, well all that could fit, and sucks it. He palms the rest of Jungkook's cock that was left behind. He swallows around his cock sending vibrations all around his member causing Jungkook to turn into a moaning mess.

He places the entirety of Jungkook's member inside his mouth deep throating him. He could feel Jungkook on his neck but he didn't mind all he wanted was to pleasure his baby.

"Ahh Tae-taehyung, I- I'm coming." Jungkook grunts thrusting his hips fucking Taehyung's mouth. He thrusts two more times before he came into Taehyun's mouth and the blue hair man swallowed all of the white substance. Jungkook pulled out of his boyfriend and pulled him in for a kiss.


"That was amazing, Taehyung. You were amazing." Jungkook says before pulling him in for another kiss.

"Can I sleep over tonight? I don't want to leave your side yet." Taehyung admits shyly looking down at the ground. "Of course baby," Jungkook caresses his cheek, "I don't want you to leave either. Plus, I still haven't taken care of you yet." He winks before starting a round two.

~~~~ xxdeeviexx ~~~~

I hope the smut wasn't too cringe lmao

QOTD: which Halsey album is your favorite?
AOTD: Badlands (lol that's why I put badlands tour)

I actually went to a Halsey concert and it was amazing but that was back in 2018 I think.

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