Meeting Tae's dad

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Jungkook woke up nervous as fuck since today he was meeting Taehyung's father for the first time since they started dating. He was also nervous because he didn't want Taehyung's dad to feel as if he was intruding at a family event but if Taehyung wanted him there he'd be there no matter what.

He gets out of bed and showers for an extra long time feeling the need to smell good to impress his boyfriend's parent. He finishes his shower and dresses in a black long sleeve shirt and jeans. He wanted to keep it casual enough for a dinner at home but formal enough to meet your significant other's father for the first time. He curls his hair but decides against wearing makeup and puts on perfume, he prefers to uses perfume over cologne he thinks it smells better.

He finishes getting ready and goes to Taehyung's and Jimin's dorm. When he arrives he is met with Jimin greeting him telling him that Taehyung wasn't there.

"Do you know where he is?" Jungkook asks the blond guy who was playing around on his phone. "No, he left over an hour ago though." He says nonchalantly but when he notices Jungkook's expression he adds, "I'm sure he's okay. He doesn't always tell me where he is going."

Right at that moment Jungkook phone starts ringing, Jungkook looks at the caller ID and sees it's Taehyung and smiles.

"Hey baby, where are you?" Jungkook asks while twirling his cherry hair.

"Hey! I went out but I'm on my way back already. I'm almost there should I meet you at your dorm?"

"No, I'm actually in your room right now, I'll wait here for you." Jungkook says before hanging up and laying down in Taehyung's and Jimin's sofa waiting for his boyfriend to show up.

About 15 minutes pass with the cherry haired man talking to the blond haired man- any angst left from the day before completely forgotten. They joked around and got to know each other better. By the time Taehyung, got to the room the two boys seemed like best friends.

Taehyung arrives at his dorm and sees his best friend and boyfriend playing video games and getting along which makes him smile. He has had an exhausting day already and it's only noon but seeing two of the most important people in his life together fills him with happiness.

When Jungkook notices Taehyung he pauses the video game and runs up to him hugging him. He smells like strawberries and cigarettes, which is rare cause he only smokes when stressed.

"Were you smoking?" Jungkook asks him while sniffing him. "Yes," he says his lips pressed together his gaze down, "I went to the cemetery today."

"What? That's huge baby." Jungkook lifts Taehyung's face to look him in the eyes and kisses his forehead. He then caresses his cheeks saying, "I'm so proud of you baby."

"Thanks Kook. It was hard but I'm glad I did it." Jungkook leans in to kiss him in the lips.

They spent the next few hours playing video games with Jimin. Both Jungkook and Taehyung left at around 5:00pm leaving the eldest one alone.

They were parked outside the small brown apartment looking at each other as if checking if they were ready.

"You okay, you want to go inside?" Jungkook holds on to the elder's hand caressing it.

"I'm scared. I've never come out to him and I haven't even talked to him in months." Taehyung panics his legs trembling and his lips quivering.

"You don't have to tell him we're together if you don't want." Jungkook tells him, "We can pretend to be just friends."

Taehyung shakes his head, "No, I want to be honest. I don't want to hide you and I definitely don't want to hide who I am. I just hope everything goes well."

They get out of the car and immediately Taehyung latches onto Jungkook intertwining their hands. He knocks on the door and waits for about 15 seconds to be met with his father.

The brown haired man was tall and handsome, he had facial hair and had a bit of a belly nothing too much though. He was surprised to see his son visiting him since they hadn't talked in months.

"Taehyung? You came!" His face lights up seeing his son and he wraps his arms around him. He pulls away and ruffles his blue hair. "It's been so long."

"I wouldn't miss it, dad." Taehyung smiles at his father's reaction and then pulls Jungkook closer bringing his dad's attention towards him.

"Jungkook? It's been ages. How have you been?" The man asks Jungkook who was standing awkwardly next to Taehyung latching onto him as if his life depended on it.

"I've been good. How about yourself, sir?" He goes to shake the man's hand and that's when Taehyung's father notices that Jungkook and his son were holding hands.

"I've been doing well thanks. So..... you two are close?" He asks while looking between the two twenty-year olds.

"Dad, I uhhh I'm gay." He looks up to see his father raise his eyebrow, "me and Jungkook are together." His father starts chuckling to both of their surprise.

"Ohh Tae, it took you long enough. I thought you'd be over him by now but I'm glad you were able to get your man." Taehyung blushes at this and Jungkook's mouth opens in shock while he stares at his boyfriend.

"What?" Jungkook manages to let out after the initial shock faded away.

"Ohh this kid had the biggest crush on you. He never said anything but you should've seen the way he looked at you. Ohh and the way his eyes would light up talking about you. I'm so glad you guys made it work."

Taehyung's face flushes a deeper shade of red, if that was even possible, at his father's word. He avoids eye contact with Jungkook who was looking at him gaped mouthed.

"Wait... so all this time you liked me too? That's funny." Jungkook laughs remembering all the times he would flirt with the elder thinking he had no chance. Little did he know that the elder was crazy about him back then too.

"Ughhh let's stop talking about this. Dad, why didn't you tell me you knew?" He wonders out loud while looking up at his father who just shrugs.

"I wanted you to come out when you felt comfortable." He says while leading everyone to the dinner table.

They had tteokbokki for dinner which used to be Taehyung's mom's favorite and chocolate soju, which the blue haired man wasn't a big fan of but he did it to honor his mother's memory. After they had dinner they all went around saying what they loved about Jeyoun, Taehyung's mother. Even Jungkook spoke seeing as they had met a couple of times and she was always nice to him. She used to make him his favorite snacks since his mother wouldn't let him eat sweets at home.

The three of them talked for hours catching up on each other's lives and when they went to leave Taehyung's father told Jungkook that it was so nice to see him and that he's always welcomed in his home.

They left the apartment and once they were in the car Taehyung hugs Jungkook tightly.

"Thank you for being here for me."


~~~~ xxdeeviexx ~~~~

I'm seriously so in love with these characters. Also, irl Taekook like WHAT? They're so freaking cute.

QOTD: What do y'all think of Jikook?

AOTD: they seem like brothers to me idk 🤷🏽‍♀️



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