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It has been a whole week since Taehyung's date with Jungkook and all the elder has been thinking about is the younger's big brown eyes that sparkle when talking about his interests. However, he knows that spending time with Jungkook means spending less time studying and that's what he can't afford to do. Nevertheless, there's nothing he wants to do more than spend his time with the muscular man.

The one thing Taehyung is certain of is that Jungkook is worth making time for.

They used to be close friends back in High School. Taehyung hates to admit it but he even had a crush on Jungkook when they were younger. However, during the summer break before Junior year Tae's mother got sick. She was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer that creates tumors all over your bone marrow. She had to get chemotherapy which was an expensive procedure leaving them financially restraint.

Taehyung got depressed and decided to focus more on music. Sadly, his dad told him that he couldn't afford to pay for his music classes anymore. This caused Taehyung to spiral into an even worse depression. He wouldn't talk to anyone during the summer and all he could do to pass the time was read.

His mother soon passed away, leaving them to pay for the funeral arrangements. With all this, his father told him that he wouldn't be able to go to college unless he got a scholarship. This caused Taehyung to panic and focus solely on his studies. He also used studying as a coping mechanism to not focus on the loss of his mother.

He never really processed her death, seeing as every time his father went to talk to him wondering how he was handling everything Tae would just pick up a textbook and say he was studying.

It may have started as a coping skill but it quickly took over his life. He didn't want to talk to anyone unless they were willing to study with him. The only reason he's still friends with both Jimin and Namjoon is cause they never gave up on him. They texted him, called him, and even went to visit him every single day getting rejected most days until Tae finally let them back in.

On the other hand, Taehyung didn't hear from Jungkook the whole summer. He was heartbroken because he had a crush on his 'friend' who didn't even care about him enough to at least send a quick text.

When summer break was over he went back to school but dropped out of the basketball team and from band and joined the honor society. He spent all his time with Jimin and Namjoon and when Jungkook tried to talk to him he would just tell him that he was busy. He never let Jungkook explained himself since he did not want to talk to him.

Now, however, everything is different and the only thing Taehyung wants is too see Jungkook but he is also afraid of coming across as desperate. As Taehyung is driving himself crazy overthinking a simple text his phone rings. He quickly runs to his nightstand where his phone was charging. He answers the call without checking the ID and to his disappointment it was just Jimin.

"Hey Tae, I'm sorry but I won't be able to have dinner with you today." Jimin says into the phone feeling apologetic considering the fact that it was the third time this week he cancelled dinner with his best friend.

"Oh that's fine. What's up though?" Taehyung starts worrying for his friend because it is not like him to cancel so often.

"Ehhh. I-- uhhh- something came up..?" Jimin states but his tone was making it sound more like a question. "Something came up? What?! Are you okay though?" Taehyung was visibly confused and concerned cause Jimin was never this vague. He usually tells the black hair guy everything, to the point that Taehyung sometimes has to tell him that somethings are better left not said.

"Yes Tae, I'm okay but I gotta go though. Love you, see you later." The blond quickly says before disconnecting not giving a chance for Tae to respond.

Clearly Jimin is hiding something because he never acts like that but Taehyung decides to let it go for now thinking back on Jimin's own words about Namjoon, "he'll tell us when he's ready." Taehyung starts overthinking about what Jimin could be hiding from him when he receives a text from Jungkook.

Jungkook 🙄
"Hey, don't think I've forgotten about you. I've been super busy with basketball and school, Econ is killing me."

Tae 😍😩
"Hehe I was thinking maybe you chickened out about date two. And Econ is not hard, if you want I can tutor you."

Jungkook 🙄
"Nah, I'm looking forward to taking you out and I know just the place just say when ;)"
"And really? You would do that for me??"

Tae 😍😩
"I mean if you need help, why not? :')"
"& shoot you've really thought about where to go? You're really trying to impress, I see."

Jungkook 🙄
"Thanks, Tae! I really appreciate it since I need to do good to stay in the basketball team."
"I thought it was obvious I've been trying to impress you for years hehe"

Tae 😍😩
"Wow, shameless"
"You free tomorrow after class to study?"

Jungkook 🙄
"You know it ;) & yeah see ya"

~~~~ xxdeeviexx ~~~~


Hope you guys are enjoying this story!

Here we see things through Tae's pov and understand a little more of why he's a big nerd lol and why he's kind of reluctant and standoffish with Jungkook at times.

Don't worry we will soon see Jungkook's side of the story. & more TAEKOOK moments!!! I'm excited to build their relationship but I also feel like it's too fast but I also hate back and forth so I'm not sure how I'm gonna do this lmaooo

Also, what do y'all think Jimin is hiding?? ;)

Anyways, did yall see the Grammys they killed it 100% & I know they lost but Doja and SZA really deserved it so I'm not mad. They just gotta come back with a bomb album and win next year! FIGHTING!



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