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________chapter two

THE WEATHER isn't really passable, it's rainy and windy but for James it's only a excuse to not go play quidditch.

"It's just rain, you aren't made of sugar!" James shouts at us before going on the field with me and the rest of the team.


"Good evening, oh my dear Sirius, how are you my child" Madame Rosmerta has a smile on her face as if I hadn't already been here last weekend. I have to admit that I really love this women, I mean she cares more about my well-being than my mother does.

"Oh I'm good I just had quidditch training because the captain thought it would be fun to play in the rain, you know how he is" I answered while returning her smile.

"Oh my dear I believe not a single weather comes agains James ambition" the young women says with a enthusiastic laugh. "Are you all alone today? Where is James?"

"He's heading here but he has to change clothes in our dorm first. The idiot forgot to bring changing clothes to the field"

"Oh merlin, that boy really lives on the moon"

Madam Rosmertas smile never left, not even when she went away to get me my butterbeer.

When the door opens I hope to meet eyes with my best friend, but a group of Slytherin boys walk in and my eyes make contact with ice blue eyes I know to well.

At that same moment, my body froze and memories from the back of my mind came rushing back.

I hear his voice as he uses the Crucio curse. I see my mother as she held back her tears. I see the boy standing at the top of the stairs with a frightened face and I see the ice blue eyes looking at me, only then they were my father's.

But before I could fall deeper into my memories, I am forced back to reality when a familiar face appears in front of me. "You alright?"

"Oh yeah, everything is perfect" I answer with a forced smile.

"Isn't that your brother over there? Regulus isn't it?" Alice asks with a worried face.

I don't know Alice so well. I talk to her every now and then, she's a good friend of Peter, and I see her in muggle studies, which I only attend so Regulus can tell it our parents when he finds out.

"yep, that's my lovely brother" I answer with a sarcastic smile.

"I am sorry about what happened to you" Alice still has this worried face on her and it really annoys me.

"What are you talking about?"

"People talk, Black. I think everyone knows that you don't live at home anymore." Alice whispers now and I really don't appreciate it. I don't want to talk about this subject and especially not with her.

Alice is sweet and really trustworthy, but I haven't even talked to James about the night.

He didn't even question it when I showed up at his door at 2:30 in the morning, he knows something happened, he knows I never want to go back to Grimmauld Place and he knows that I can't look eyes with Regulus but he doesn't question it. I really love Prongs for that.

"Pads there you are! What do say about getting drunk?"

I didn't see James walking in, but he couldn't have come at a better time. He was also able to persuade Peter and Remus to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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