Hey girl, open your walls, play with your dolls

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April 22nd, 1979

Michael grunted and slowly got up. He rubbed his eyes before getting out of bed. What will happen today? He thought. Something always happened. Whether it was big or small it always gave Michael something to think about. Sometimes he didn't even feel like himself. But that was rare though. Sometimes he'd hear a voice in his head. It sounded like a girl, different from his normal voice in his head when he thought. He went downstairs. Breakfast was on the table so he grabbed some and ate.
"Good morning sleepyhead." His mom said.
"Morning." He replied with his mouth full.

His mom walked up to him and kissed his forehead. Michael groaned and slightly pushed her away. But he had a slight smile on his face. He finished eating and went Into the living room. He sat on the couch and put the Tv on. He looked at the dollhouse that was in the corner. It was Lizzie's. It was pretty big and wouldn't fit in her room so they had it out here.
"Heya Mikey!" She exclaimed as she ran to the corner of the living room with dolls in hand. She opened the walls of the house to reveal the inside. She lifted the dolls up and set them around the house.

Why don't you open up my walls?

Michael thought to himself. He watched the Tv, but his eyes kept looking at the dollhouse. It reminded him of.. well him. Lizzie would occasionally raise her voice because something would be happening and the dolls would be screaming.
"You look like that." He sat up. He looked around. Who said that?
"What..?" He murmured.
"Huh?" Lizzie asked and turned towards Michael.
"Nothing." He waved his hand and laid back down. He heard that girl's voice just now. It wasn't anyone's though. He furrowed his eyebrows as he watched the Tv


Michael scribbled in his notebook and bobbed his head to the music that came from his Walkman. It was mindless drawings. Just his little fox character he made that he heard his father was making into an animatronic. He walked away to go to the bathroom and when he came back, there was something on his paper.
"Wha?" Michael leaned closer to the paper to take a closer look. It was a girl. Or at least someone who looked like a girl. They had a big bow on their head, and short curly hair. It looked like it was split in two, due to one side being shaded with the pencil. She had freckles and lipstick.

"Who?" He looked around. Who was that?
"It's me."
"It's who?" He said aloud, violently shaking his head around. It was the player. The one who played with him. It must be, he thought. This, this, this god! He laid down and rubbed his eyes.
"What.. the fuck.." he mumbled. He sat up again.
Wait a minute... what if Lizzie just came in and drew something. He groaned and jumped up. He walked to Lizzie's room. She was making her stuffed animals have a tea party.
"What?" She asked.
"Did you go in my room?"
"Uh.. no."
"Then explain the drawing in the corner of my notebook!"
"What drawing?"
"Don't- Ugh!"

He threw his arms down and went to his room. He grabbed the notebook and entered Lizzie's room again.
"Look!" She squinted at the drawing.
"I didn't draw that."
"Then who did?!"
"Not me!" She exclaimed, and put her hands on her chest. He gave her a glare before walking into Chris' room. He didn't say anything because he was napping. He walked back into his room.
"Who.." he said to himself. He looked up at the sky. This was confusing him. Was it this, king god thing? He threw the notebook on the floor and put his shoes on. He went outside and hopped on his skateboard.


He swerved across the sidewalk, regretting not bringing his Walkman. He chewed some gum. He hummed a song to himself that was stuck in his head. He tried to clear his mind but it was a bit hard. He looked up at the sky. It was pretty gray, it was gonna rain soon. He sighed. He looked across the street and saw some younger kids playing in their front yard together. A small wave of jealousy washed over him. He wished his family was like that. There was a fight everyday. Whether it was between his parents or his siblings. Sometimes it was between him and his parents, mostly his dad.

Or Elizabeth would fight over something incredibly stupid. His father wasn't the most stable when it came to mental health. He might have had some sort of disease or something. Whatever it was all Michael knew was that something was wrong with him. And because of that, he would get a bit iffy some days. Whenever he got really mad, which was becoming a bit more common, he would threaten to hit them. He would always apologize when he was calmer but it scared them all. He'd only hit them when Lea gave him permission to, and that was when they were misbehaving. Michael rarely got hit.

He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice the unstable sidewalk. His skateboard got caught and he went flying. He landed on the sidewalk and scraped his knees and elbows. His skateboard flipped over.
"OW! FUCK!" He yelled. He rolled over so he was laying on his back. He sat up slowly. He kicked the skateboard before getting back on it.
"Sorry about that." That voice went off again in his head.
"Shut up." He said angrily and skated off. He went around the block. About one block away from his house. He felt a few rain drops. He ignored it. Before he knew it, it was pouring.
"Aw come on!" He yelled. He skated as fast as he could. Covering his eyes so he could see.
He jumped off the skateboard and picked it up when he made it to his house. He rolled his skateboard in the garage and ran into the house.

"Michael!" His mom exclaimed when he walked in the house. "You're soaked!"
"Yeah I know." He stood in the doorway like a wet cat.
"Let me get a towel." She ran off. Michael looked at the ground.
Am I being played with? Did you make it rain?
"Maybe" the voice he didn't want to hear right now said. He rolled his eyes. He grabbed the towel his mom gave to him and dried himself off.

I hate life, Michael said to himself.

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