You don't hear me when i say

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Michael walked into the house, which was awfully quiet. He was the first one home due to being in middle school, yet there was always music playing because of his mom. No doubt his dad was at work. Michael set his bag on the floor and took a step back outside. His mom's car was still there. He walked back inside, confused.
"Mom?" He yelled. Maybe she was napping? She rarely naps though. At least to his knowledge. He walked into the bathroom and splashed water on his face. Cleaning the blood off his face from the fight. He washed his hands too. The dry blood cracking off his fingers.

He was pretty sure he had homework but he didn't give a fuck right now. He jumped on his bed and laid there before sitting up and walking to his game console.

"Your welcome"

A voice said In his head. He looked around though, just to make sure no one aloud said it. Though that would be impossible.
"Melanie?" He mumbled. No reply. His window was open and a breeze flew in. A notebook on his desk fluttered. He looked at it as the notebook opened and closed. He walked up to it. He opened the notebook to see the word Yes.
He tilted his head. He grabbed a pen.
Melanie? Is that you?
Writing appeared on the notebook. Michael's eyes widened in shock.
She replied.
Did you tell me to run?
He wrote down
Can you say anything else?
What's your favorite color?

He closed the notebooks and went back to his previous mission. To play video games. He seemed to be alone so he assumed that she went to play with another one of her family members. After playing his game for a while he got the sudden urge to check on his mom. The dying animation played on the screen. He groaned. He stood up. Why was he standing up? He was walking now. Where too?
Melanie, where am I going? He asked her in his mind
"Mom" was all they replied with. He looked forward as saw that he was walking towards his parents room.

Slightly sweating he gripped the door knob and twisted it, opening the door. He walked in the room.
"Mom?" He asked, concerned. He saw his mom laying in the bed scrunched up in a ball laying on her side. He felt frozen, as if he couldn't move, as if he wasn't allowed to move. Then suddenly that pressure was let go. He sprinted over to his mom. He shook her.
"Mom? Mom, are you ok?" Due to the shaking she fluttered her eyes open.
"H-huh?" She asked, her eyes only slightly open.
"Are you ok?" Michael asked.
"I'm not sure. I think I'm coming down with something. My stomach hurts and I have this splitting headache." Michael fidgeted with his fingers not knowing what to do.

"Can you go get the medicine for me?" She smiled. Michael nodded and walked out to the hallway and opened the closet. He grabbed the box full of medicine. He brought the box to his mom. Who was now sitting up. Her curly hair stuck to her forehead, probably due to sweat. Michael set the box down on the bed and she grabbed it. She looked through the box and frowned.
"Damn it, we're out of Ibuprofen." She sighed.
"I can go get some." Michael offered.
"No, no. It's okay." His mom said, waving her hands. "I can go get some." She got off the bed and stood up. She stumbled a bit before walking out of the room.
"Are you sure?" Michael asked. "You seem a bit.. off.." Mrs. Afton was grabbing her Flip Flops and putting them on.
"I'm sure Michael. I'll be fine! I'm just going to CVS." Michael rubbed his hands together.

"Ok then." He said nervously. He had a weird bad feeling about his mom going out in this state.
"Please be careful."
"Of course I will honey." She walked towards Michael and kissed his forehead. Michael hugged her.
"I love you." Mrs. Afton, a bit taken by this statement, broke the hug to look at Michael. He softly smiled and said,
"I love you too." She ruffled his head of thick brown curls. She walked out the door and to her car. Michael walked up to his room and sat against his bed. He brought his knees up to his chest. He grabbed a curl from his head and wrapped it around his finger and played with it.
He did that sometimes when he was nervous. He didn't know why he was so nervous but he was.

"What's wrong?" Melanie asked.
"I don't know.." Michael mumbled.
"Is something bad about to happen?" Michael's eyes widened.
"I-I don't know.." Why would she ask that? She would know. They're the all powerful one here. They should know! Michael rocked back and forth nervously. His breathing picked up a little.
"What's wrong with my mom?" He asked, breathing quickly. He put his hands in his hair as his head rested on his knees.
"She's just a bit sick, that's all." Melanie replied. Michael was panicking now. He was pretty sure he was having a panic attack.
"Why are you making such a big deal out of this?!" He yelled. "Why am I so nervous?!" His eyes stung. He looked around at the ceiling when there was no answer.
"ANSWER ME!" He screamed as he felt tears fall down his face. He hit himself in the head as he cried, having a hard time breathing.

"Michael?" A little voice called out. He perked his head up.
His brother and sister stood in the doorway.
"What's wrong?" Elizabeth asked.
"Nothing." Michael muttered. He wiped his face, yet he was still breathing heavily. Chris walked over to him and sat down.
"Watch." He said. He took a deep breath in and with his fingers he counted up to four. And then he exhaled and put his four fingers down.
"You try." He smiled. Michael, a bit confused, tried it anyway. He breathed in,
He breathed out
He did it twice before his breathing returned to somewhat normal.
"Thanks I guess." He mumbled under his breath. Elizabeth ran over to him and sat down.
"Are you ok?" She asked him. Michael shrugged.
"I don't know." He replied.
"What's wrong?" Chris asked.
"It's mom. She feels sick so she went out to get some more medicine. But for some reason I just feel nervous, I feel scared. And I don't know why.." he looked at his younger siblings who were looking at each other.
"Well sometimes you just worry about weird things." Elizabeth said. "I think she'll be fine."
Elizabeth smiled. Michael forced a small smile on his face before it went away. Chris stood up and walked towards the door.

"I'm going to watch TV. You should come with." He smiled, squeezing his brown beat up teddy bear. He ran down the stairs. Elizabeth stood up and extended her hand.
"Come on." She smiled. Michael let go of the curl he was playing with and grabbed her hand. He stood up and they walked downstairs.


Michael laid on the couch watching some silly cartoon with his siblings. It was 5 nearing 6 and his mom still wasn't back. He was starting to get very nervous. The phone rang. Michael stood up to get it as Chris and Lizzie did not seem bothered by it. He picked it up.
"Hello, is this William Afton?" Michael, a bit confused replied,
"No this is Michael Afton, the son. Who is this?"
"I'm Officer Randall."
"Officer?" Michael gulped.
"Yes, I'm here to call about your mom." Michael eyes went wide as he frozen. His hand shook and he could feel himself sweating.
"M-my mom?" Elizabeth and Chris turned around.

"Mommy?" Chris said. Michael ignored him.
"Yes. Your mom. She's in the hospital. She got into a bad car crash." Michael couldn't speak. His mouth wouldn't open. He felt his eyes water. He held back tears and sniffled. It felt like nothing could move at all.
"Are you still there Michael?" Randall asked. Somehow Michael managed to say,
"Is your dad home?"
"No... he's at work." He replied.
"I need you to contact him immediately. She's in pretty bad shape right now."
"O-ok. I'll call him."
"It's gonna be alright kid." Michael nodded even though Randall couldn't see. Michael hung up as his hand lay on the phone. He stood there by the kitchen counter. Shaking. He knew something was gonna happen. How? How did he know?
Melanie, can you explain? He asked her. No answer.

"Is mommy okay?" Elizabeth asked. Michael didn't answer.
"Michael?" Lizzie asked again. Michael didn't answer nor look at her. She slowly pressed the buttons to call Fazbear's. His vision slowly blurring. After he put in the number he picked the phone up again. It rang once. It rang twice. It rang three times. The phone got picked up.
"Henry speaking." Michael sniffled, holding back tears.
"H-hey Uncle Henry." His voice cracking.
"Michael? What's wrong?"
"I need to speak with Dad.."
"Oh ok." He could hear Henry calling for William, and he could hear his fathers shoes tapping on the ground.

"Michael? What's wrong?" He asked.
"Dad." He gulped. "Something happened to mom."

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