Chapter one

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Lucia Noceda, aka the biggest troublemaker on the Boiling Isles, was currently having a shouting match with her little sister"What were you thinking!? Dating a Blight!? Seriously!? What would Mami think!?"She growled, obviously being really angry about it.

Luz shouts back "I don't know what Mami would think but this is my life Luciá! I choose what I have to do!" She backs a bit off.

Luz glared back even if she was a bit scared "Amity isn't like Amelia! And Amelia seems for me to be nicer than you right now!" But Luz knows that Luciá and Amelia are very similar to each other.

Lucia went a little red in the face, furrowing her brows"Amelia!? Nice!? Seriously!? She tried to murder me because I bumped into her in the halls!"She moved closer to Luz,not realising she was scaring her"Dump her, now!"she demanded.

Luz had tears in her eyes "N-no! I won't dumb her!" She backs off and starts to sob quietly.

Lucia went to say something else, her anger growing, but quickly stopped as she realised she was scaring her sister, and she was now crying. She quickly went into big sister mode, moving closer to Luz and moving down to her level, pulling her into a hug"Hey, hey...Don't cry, Luz...I'm sorry"

Luz tried to say something but couldn't. She sobbed in Luciá's shoulder and hug her slowly back.

Lucia hugged her back tightly, rubbing her sisters back to comfort her. She was gonna change the subject for now, feeling awful about making Luz cry"How about...I buy you and your girlfriend eyes cream? To make it up to you?"

Luz answered after a while "okay. B-but please... Don't hurt her...o-or don't say bad things to her... please Luciá" she hugged her tighter and sobs loudly. She doesn't want to lose Amity.

Lucia just continued hugging her, feeling worse with every tear Luz shed. Luz was a much better person than her, and was always so sweet, so she couldn't bear to hurt her"I'm not gonna hurt her, I wouldn't. You don't have to worry, okay? Plus Amelia would kill me if I did"She gave a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

Luz smiled "But Amity would stop her. Amity isn't like Amelia. Trust me."She hugs tight.

Lucia Actually believed Luz, thinking she wouldn't date someone that wasn't an amazing person, just like her"You can't stop Amelia when she gets mad...Don't even think Amity could"

Luz stops hugging her and looks into her face "she could. Amelia would never hurt her sister and if Amity stands in front of you Amelia would stop. And get a bit mad maybe-"

Lucia looked back at her face, before looking away and rubbing the back of her neck"I just don't want you to get hurt, Luz. My experiences with the Blight's have been mostly awful... Amelia hates me, Emira squeezes my butt, and Edric shamelessly flirts with me"she went a little red"But I guess I trust you if you say she's nice"

Luz hugs her tight "thank you Luciá. Maybe... you and Amelia will be friends later. Nothing is impossible. She would scare Ed and em off." Luz giggled nervously and hopes it doesn't make Luciá yell at her again. She closes her eyes and waits.

Lucia hugged her back tightly once again. At least she had her sister"not happening, kiddo. Amelia hates my guts...I think. She always tries to avoid me and looks like a tomato if I talk to her"She laughed quietly, pulling away from the hug. She wasn't gonna tell at Luz again"Wish someone would scare them off-"

Luz thought shortly "hmm... Amity looked always like a tomato before she was my girlfriend..." Luz then looks back at luciá "give it a try like me once. It was horrible at first with me and Amity. We hated each other too. And now look at us." She then looked back down thinking about it again.

Lucia scrunched her face up a bit at the suggestion Amelia might have a crush on her. She was hot, but that was all she had, no personality apart from being an asshole to Lucia. "Not happening. Me and Amelia have a pretty different relationship to you and Amity. Amelia actually tried to kill me. I beat her up with my bat, she hit me with a branch... We're always fighting"

Hola. I hope you like this story. Should I continue my other book by the way? Thanks to my friend on amino ✨

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2022 ⏰

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