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everyday is the same, wake up, do some dumb shit, go to work, come back home, go to sleep again. this shitty town full of shitty people all works the same. druggies live all around, and i myself happen to be a very proud one. i'm not too fond of the day time, which is why i work late at night at this huge ass coffee store, run by my bestfriend, shikamaru. he's pretty hot if you ask me. had he not have an annoying ass boyfriend, i'd totally let him fuck me. hi, i'm naruto. i'm 22 and i probably screw around in my house smoking weed more than i do anything else. i absolutely love drugs and the feeling of getting high and i hate dogs. i have two cats, lilo and stitch, ironic, i know. i have blond hair, whiskered cheeks, and blue eyes. i like men, women, anything in between that, but i especially like men.

i'm not really special, i live in an apartment by myself, my parents are both dead, they died when i was younger so it doesn't bother me much. i have three bestfriends, one of them you already know, and the other two being kiba inazuka and rock lee. i play the guitar sometimes and i like to sing. my favorite color is orange, and i love fruit. why am i telling you all of this? simple, because i fucking can. in this shitty world we are allowed to do what we want. things come with consequences, but people will still do them anyway. like me. i am a man who lives off the saying, "live now, think later," sure i just made that corny shit up but would you have known if i didn't tell you? of course not.

i should probably change the quote i live off of though, because it nearly got me killed, twice. one of those times being tonight. one of my favorite hobbies has to be shoplifting, it's especially enjoyable when lee does it with me. we'd never gotten caught, except for this one night. well, we still didn't get caught but it did end up with lee and i being separated and me on the road, laying infront of some rich man's car. lee and i's shoplifting spree was going perfectly smooth, until this annoying ass kid ratted us out. "they're stealing!" i remember him screaming. at that moment i'd never wanted to punch a kid in their mouth so badly. lee and i obviously bolted towards the door, only to be chased by the manic store manager. hell, more people might've left with more valuable things than us because the idiot decided to chase us down.

he didn't even catch us, which was even more embarrassing for him. anyways, as we ran, i noticed lee had took an alley way. it was far too quick for me to even comprehend, so i kept running straightforward. i turn to look around for ONE SECOND and then boom, i'm hit by a car. the impact wasn't too bad but i did end up with scratched up hands and knees. the manager wasn't chasing me either, so i was off the hook. a few cuts wouldn't hurt me, after all i did have the drinks and snacks i managed to steal. "oh my god, are you okay?" i hear a voice yell from behind me. i stand up, brushing my pants off, nodding. my body however, did not match my words. it was far in too much shock that my legs gave out on me instantly. i toppled over the stranger before me, groaning. the taller male caught me in his arms with a worried expression.

now you might be thinking this'll be a romantic movie moment, but it indeed was not. i then puked all over his suit, sinking to the ground. "ew gross!" the male screamed again, glaring at me. "sorry dude," i shrug. "why're you running in the middle of the street?" the raven asked, pulling off his jacket that was covered in throw up. "i was being chased," i hum, pulling a pack of gummies out of my pocket. "by who? or what?" "you're so nosy." "well you did kind of just run into my car." i look up at the male hovering over me, narrowing my eyes. "sasuke uchiha," i mumble. "wow, you know my name, great," he huffs. "did you expect me not to?" i raise a brow, stuffing some of the candies into my mouth. "i don't care about that, where are you headed? you clearly can't walk on your own," sasuke grumbles. "home," i respond. "well? where's your home dumbass?" he hisses at me. i raise my hands up as a sign of peace, "the apartment complexes just up ahead, y'know, the one full of druggies," i grin. by his foul expression i can sense that he's judging me, and hard.

he tsks, grabbing my arms to pull me up. he drags me to the passengers side of his car and opens the door. i slid in, laying my head drowsily on the seat. he slams the door and walks over to the other side, getting in. i close my eyes, feeling my head get lighter. i was beginning to feel worse by the second, unsure why. "don't go to sleep, you might have a concussion," the raven noted as he began driving. i nod slightly, feeling my head swing all sorts of ways. my mind then traces back to the drugs i'd done a little earlier. i might've over done it this time considering i'd thrown up. "fuck," i whine, holding my head in place as my vision becomes hazy. i was seeing double of things and the world was spinning. loud ringing played in my ears, overpowering the uchihas voice asking if i was okay. and BOOM, that's how i ended up in the rich boys house, in his room, in his bed.

sure i was a little hyped at the fact, but oh was i in for a ride when the raven came barging into his room, swinging my very own jacket in my face. "you had drugs in every single pocket, and you almost overdosed!" he explained angrily. i nod, pressing my lips together, "yeah, i know," i roll my eyes. "is that all you low lives care about? drugs?" he asked, disgust was very evident in his tone. i pucker my lips, standing to walk around the room. i was not going to listen to his stupid words of anger. his room was fairly clean other than a few clothes on the floor. "i'm talking to you," he hisses, grabbing my arm a little too tightly. i wince, pulling away quickly and turning to shoot him a dirty look. "dude, hands to yourself," i groan. "do you have someone to come get you?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. fuck, i forgot about lee. i pat my pants pockets, grabbing my phone from my back one, calling lee. after a few rings he finally picked up, laughing loudly. "that bitch tripped on a rock and totally broke his nose!" i could hear him yell over the phone.

i smile a little to myself, nodding. "are you high?" i ask, sensing the uchihas piercing gaze. "nope, waiting for you to get back," lee responded. "don't ask questions now, but i need you to come pick me up from sasuke uchihas place," i inform him. "HUH? SASUKE UCHIHA?" the other male yells into the phone. i frown, rolling my eyes, "i told you not to ask questions." "right, i'm on my way." i hang up the phone, smiling eagerly. the uchiha tells me his address which i quickly send to lee. i can't wait to get home and smoke with lee. "i hope you don't plan on getting high after what just happened," sasuke said, handing me my jacket. "what'd you do with my pills?" i frown, noticing the empty pockets. "trashed them." "what the fuck? why?" "because i needed to or you would've overdosed." "what's it matter to you? you don't even know me!" i was livid. how dare this preppy rich boy walk into MY life, making decisions for me as if he knew the first thing about me. "i don't need to know you to not want you to kill yourself," he shrugged. "i spent so much money on those, oh my fucking god, pay me back my money!" i whine, hitting him with my jacket.

"no. you're going to use them for drugs," he says sternly. i feel my walls crashing in as my body is filled with rage. my eyes begin to water as i cry out of frustration. i want, no need my pills. i need them now. "why did you throw them away? why! they weren't yours!" i scream loudly, stomping my feet on the carpet floor. i probably look like a five year old throwing a temper tantrum right now. "you're crazy if you think anyone with human morals would let you walk out of their home, pockets full of drugs after you almost overdosed in front of them," the uchiha says with an eye roll. "so what?! i need those! i don't have anymore money to buy them for the next week or so!" i holler, punching the taller male weakly in his chest. he grabs my hands, shaking his head. "you don't need them, what you need is rehab," he hums, dropping my arms. i grab a handful of his hair and pull it rather tightly. that probably was a bad decision on my end because not even a moment later i was pinned to the wall with a stinging red cheek. "you need to calm down. you're lucky i didn't call the police on you," he hissed.

i nearly choke on my spit, turning my head to escape his deadly glare. he pulls away from me and my body sinks to the floor. i pull my knees up to my chest and lay my head down on them, crossing my arms over my head. "fuck you," i say through sniffles.

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