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it's been seven months since that day and there's not a night that goes by that i don't think of it. that night changed a lot of things about me. it changed my perspective on life and my perspective on this shitty town. sure, there wasn't much to do or see, and most of the people sucked. but sasuke was here, and sasuke made it much more enjoyable. we became practically inseparable and lived in each others homes. as long as sasuke was around, there was no need for me to take pills or smoke or drink or cut myself or steal. sasuke gave me a better rush than those things. he gave me what some people would call love. i still like to call it my own personal high though. he was always there for me when i needed him the most. through my relapses and my attempts of suicide. he never left me. of course i still had lee, shika, and kiba, but they weren't the same. they weren't like sasuke. they couldn't show me life from a new perspective. it's a sunday night and i lay in sasukes bed, cuddled up against him.

i can hear his heart beating at a rapid pace and i'm sure his face is about as red as a tomato. i smile to myself as i listen to him tell me about how his day went. i always used to hate when sasuke told me these things but now i love it. i love hearing his voice flow into my ears as he tells me the small details about his life. it brought me comfort to know that he thinks i'm important enough to know those things. i hum every now and then so that he knows i'm still listening and every time i do it's like ringing a bell in his mind to remind him to tell me something else that happened. sasukes mind was all over the place 24/7, i could tell because he made it so obvious. never focused on one thing, always rambling on about another. "oh, oh, and— naruto, we should go to the movies satruday!" i grin as he cups my cheeks, tilting my head upward. "okay," i hum. we stare into each others eyes for what seems like years and my heart begins to beat quicker as i notice him closing in on me. we've done things like share the same bed, hold hands, and other things but we've never kissed. come to think of it, i've never kissed anyone.

my eyes blink rapidly as i watch his flutter shut. he's definitely about to kiss me, oh my god. i close my own eyes as i feel his lips press against mine gently. my insides flame up like they're on fire. my face instantly goes red as i return the kiss, or so i'm hoping. i envision us looking like some romantic couple from a movie as we part. "i love you," he says to me, caressing my cheeks. "i love you too," i smile warmly. sasukes thumb rubs over my cheek gently as the room goes silent. i close my eyes and that oh so familiar high rushes throughout my body. i pull sasuke closer to me if that's even possible. "naruto, that day. the day you first told me you loved me, do you remember that?" the uchiha asks. i hum for a minute before nodding my head, "i meant every word," i reply. sasukes heart beat is getting quicker by the second as he sits up. "when i went home that night, that's all i could think about. i wanted to bring it up so badly these past few months but i wasn't sure if i should've. i thought that maybe you were just high and spewing nonsense," sasuke said, shaking his head. i giggle a little biting the inside of my cheek. "in all honesty, i think that after a few days of us hanging out i loved you. you always give me this— this feeling, like— i don't have to get high as long as i have you. you give me this rush so deep that it feels as though i'm dosed up on pills 24/7," i admit, watching as the dark haired boys cheeks turn a visible shade of red. just as sasuke was about to go in for another kiss, my phone rings.

i jump a little before grabbing my phone off of his nightstand. it's kiba. i answer the call, sighing deeply. "yes kiba?" "YO NARU, PARTY AT EIGHT, YOU COMING?" he screams at me through the phone over a bunch of people talking. "ehh, who's party? and where are you?"  "shika and i are at this carnival thing, but that's besides the point. you remember suigetsu? the stoner from highschool? it's his party," the brunette explains. my face brightens up as i think back to all the good times i had with suigetsu. sasuke peers over at me, confusion written all over his face. i hold a finger up, shaking my head. "no way dude?! i forgot all about him. i'm definitely coming!" i say, excitement lacing my tone. i can practically hear kibas smile through the phone as he yells "nice, i'll talk to you later." i bid my goodbyes before hanging up. "what was that about?" sasuke asks. "kiba invited me to a party, one of our highschool friends is hosting it," i grin. "you're going?" sasuke raises a brow. "indeed i am, would you care to join me?" i question. sasuke scratches his nape, his face going blank, "i uh— i'm not so sure if that's a good idea," he mumbles. "why not? it'll be fun!" i latch onto his shoulders, moving my face closer to his. "i just don't think it'll be good for my imagine, y'know?" he's so uptight. "relaxxxx sasuke, it's just a little party, no biggie. plus, as long as you don't do anything too extreme it won't matter will it?" i roll my eyes. "well it's not everyday that you see the nations most talked about man at some party thrown by a couple of amateurs," the ravenette says. i laugh a little, resting my head on his shoulder. "please come," i whine. sasuke finally gives in, wrapping his arms around me.

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