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They say to never trust a man who hides in the shadows of the night.

But to never trust a man who waves his accomplishments around like a trophy of gold.

Find someone who can lurk in the in between, who can slip in the shadows of the night and kill without a trace, but stand in the daylight acting as if he never committed a crime in the first place.

Ari Levinson was a versatile man, he had long been the man who couldn't be caught. He knew the underbelly of the city of New York like the back of his hand, had no fear in commanding a room when he stepped into it.

He had long been forgotten by his family, thrown into the lions den of New York at a young age, prey to the wolf of men who would destroy him. And they almost did. Until Maverick Harrison stepped in, taking in the young boy, training him to be the deadly weapon he was today.

At 30, he had everything he wanted, except a wife. His prey had been promised to the other wolf of the city.


They say to always trust a woman who remembers to check over her shoulder, to detect a trail.

But to never trust a woman who's father calls her princess. Because chances are she believes it.

And she believed it.

Find a woman who knows her worth, but can chameleon her personality to fit what was needed, when it was needed.

Addison Harrison was born into Mafia Royalty. Born into a sea of brothers, she was always doted on, cared for perfectly. Never had a hair out of place. She was never expected to learn the underbelly of the city.

Except she did, and that resulted in her father arranging her to a marriage where he would reap the benefits.

At 22, she was being forced to shove herself into a box she shouldn't be in, didn't want to be in. She had been seen as disposable by her own father, a piece of property to enhance his financial gain.

And she hated it.


He sees her for who she is, a beautiful young woman who wants out of the box she's being forced to be in. His sunshine on a cloudy day.

She sees him as the grim reaper, taking her away from everyone she's ever known, everything she's ever come to love. He's her death while she's still living.

She wants to be loved, he wants to love her.

But something lurks in the shadows, and it destroys everything she's ever wanted. The ability to make her own choices.


Text Dividers, headers, cool symbols, and more by Aesthxte_

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