I fucked up

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Moxies POV:
I just told my lover that I was only with them to take my mind off the one I loved most...I just fucked up. They stood there in shock as I just realized what I had said. "I didn't mean that..I was just in th-" I was cut of by my lover slapping me across the face and walking out the door with their phone and leaving their stuff in the house we shared. I started to walk to our room to take in what just happened. I didn't know what to do after that,so I texted them saying
" Babe I didn't mean what I said I was just in the heat of the moment. I would like to talk to you about this when you get back but for now I will give you your space and time if that's what you need." They had left me on read and instead I heard the door open. They walked in closing the door behind them and into our room. We stared at each other for a minute before they started to go off. Like they had all their anger and rage bottled up for our whole relationship and now the bottle has become to full and exploded. " How could you do this to me." They started "I'm so-" " No! I'm talking. You loved him for our whole relationship and maybe even before and you lied and used me for the whole time we've been together just to keep your mind off of him now that's just sick. And especially from someone who's supposed to love me and support me not use me and lie about loving me! What the fuck is wrong with you!" They yelled at me. " Baby I said I'm so-" I start " No! Stop! Don't call me baby we're over. Don't try to contact me ever again!" They had cut me off and started to pack their things and leave. It was over and it was all my fault if I didn't feel like this I wouldn't have ruined my relationship. I felt bad and disappointed but not really sad I never really loved them I love him but that doesn't make what I done right and I hate the fact I don't feel sad because it just proves that they was right. I never really loved them I was just using them.( I keep writing her when I'm talking about the lover and I just think that's the pansexual in me taking over)
412-ish words
How do you guys like it I haven't really worked hard on it so and I started this in 2019 so the first part I'm fixing.😔✌️😗🫶 anyway bye.

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