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Ok hey guys I edited this I'm sorry her lover uses she/they pronouns I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner it's just I subconsciously do she and they so I'm very sorry about that!
Moxies POV:
I decided to go to sleep after all that. When I had woken up I had gotten texts from multiple people all but one. Him. I had decided to open one. It was Kat!
|Kitty Kat|
Kitty Kat: Why didn't you tell me you liked Leo !
Sent:6:30 a.m
(How did she know this)
Me: Huh? What do you mean I never liked Leo!
(Hope she buys that)
Kitty Kat: Then why did your ex tell us that. I'm not saying I don't believe you but you do act kinda weird around him. And why are just now texting me back!
( Omg! She told everyone. That Bitch!)
Me: It sounds like you believe her. How could you believe her over me! She's just mad that I broke up with her and now she has made up some lie to ruin everything for me.

Kitty Kat: I don't believe them over you. It's just that you act like you like him. Always touching him, Making flirty jokes even though you don't get them back and you get flustered almost every time your around him. Sometimes I just feel second-hand embarrassment or like a third wheel.
Im don't with this conversation so I just decided to leave her on read and not open any messages. Until I got the message. From him. I opened it and all it said "hey I really hope what your ex said about you liking me isn't true. It would make things so awkward if it was. But if it is I just wanna say I just want to be friends with you I already like someone." I cried. I didn't know how to answer that. Was I supposed to act like everything was fine?did I tell him? Should we just stop hanging out all together?. I turned off my phone and just stayed in bed. I felt like shit. But I was mad too. How could she do this to me? Why would they do this to me? I absolutely hate her! That's why I never loved them. I still had her number. She had blocked me of course but I just used a fake account I had made . I made a whole paragraph about how angry I was. And then I stop . I realized she left me because of how I was in the heat of the moment . Because I can't control my anger. Because I can't handle the anger and the rage . I couldn't love them. And now Leo couldn't love me. I based my whole relationship of the thought that Leo was going to confess and he secretly loved me like how I love him. And now thats dead. I just lost everything and everyone I cared about because of some stupid feeling that I wasn't getting in return.
507 words
Hey guys I hope you like this story! Write criticism or whatever just not hate! This main Character is meant to be somewhat unlikable I want her to be this way because I wanted to experiment with different writing styles so plz realize that this is on purpose.

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