Getting Up

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Leo's POV: ( bet your didn't expect that)
   I had seen what moxies ex said and i decided to text her. After sending it I had seen she read it but didn't respond. I hope that didn't come off to harsh I just didn't like her in that way. I just didn't want to feel like I was leading her on and then break her heart.
Moxies POV:
   After crying myself to sleep I had decided to respond to his text. It was just saying " hey. Yeah what she said wasn't true hope it doesn't weird you out and we can continue to talk. I just don't want to  lose a friend because of them." I had felt the need to cry again but I knew that wasn't gonna get me over him. So I got of my bed shivering at the cold wood and walked to my bathroom stepping on the white tile and looking at myself in the mirror. I looked like I just rolled out my coffin and died again. I had stained makeup on my face, lipstick smudged across my lips, my eyes puffy and red from crying. I didn't try to clean up that much just washed some makeup off my face. I just walked to my kitchen, poured me some cereal, and watched hallmark movies until Kat called me. I didn't know why maybe just to clear the air or apologize.
236 words
I have two ideas for the conversation but I don't know which I like best so yeah
Hi and bye again

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