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That's the best way to describe my feelings at the moment.

It's my own fault. I keep overthinking things. And by things, I mean my interactions with Todoroki.

Don't get me wrong. Spending time with Todoroki over the last few days has been the highlight of this semester. It took me by surprise how much I enjoy his company, but I won't complain. How can I? Todoroki is gorgeous, sweet, cuddly, has the cutest fucking laugh I've ever heard, and did I mention gorgeous?

Butterflies flutter in my stomach whenever I think about him, which is any time I'm away from him. I just smile when it happens. This way of feeling is new, and sometimes intimidating, but it's equally as exciting.

But still, I need to be practical about this.

Even though I'm now borderline obsessed with Todoroki, from his face to his scent to his touch to his sounds, I can't ignore the possibility that it may be because he's the first person I've ever dropped my guard for. Maybe it's not Todoroki himself, but what he represents.

Since I'm a genius, I already know how to test my theory.

I kick Kirishima's door open as the idiot never bothers to lock it. He's sitting at his desk, a toothy grin encompassing his face when he spots me in the doorway.

And Kaminari, Sero, and Mina are here too. Even better.

Kiri speaks first. "Hey Bakugou! What's up?"

"Get your ass over here," I tell him.

He blinks. "Huh?"

"You heard me. Get over here."

Kiri stands up, his confusion still evident. He shuffles across his bedroom, dragging out his steps. My other friends watch on, each of them sporting glances that range from curious to terrified.

I don't give him a chance to get comfortable. As soon as he's within arm's reach, I grab his hand and lock our fingers together.

"What are you-"

"Shut up."

We continue standing like that, hand in hand. Kiri keeps trying to gauge what I'm doing, but I ignore him. Instead I focus on his hand, and how holding it makes me feel.

I feel...nothing.

His hand isn't soft the way Todoroki's is. It's normal temperature, not too hot and not too cold. That should be a positive, but I hate it. It's not the same.

Once I have my answer, I let go. Kiri wipes his hand against his shirt, which further proves my point. Sure my hands are sweaty, but Todoroki has never once wiped his hand whenever ours separated. He embraces my clammy hands, the same way I embrace his hands exactly as they are.

There are those butterflies again.

I turn to the erratic blond who's sitting in the center of Kiri's rug. I stomp over to him, internally rolling my eyes at how he's cowering on the floor. With a firm grip, I yank him onto his feet, immediately pulling him in for a hug.

Kaminari, unlike Kirishima, simply gives in and hugs me back. Even with his enthusiasm, it's still not the same. That sense of security I get whenever I hug Todoroki has jumped from the four story window by Kiri's bed and fell to a most painful death.

I shove Kaminari off of me and scoff. "You smell like hamburgers."

Wanting to test one more theory, I climb into Kiri's bed where Sero is, paying no attention to Kaminari whining to Kiri about how mean I am. Without warning, I lie down and rest my head in Sero's lap.

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