part 1

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"Morning Scotty", stiles said cheerfully ,"Morning stiles,how are u so lively and happy in the morning ",asked Scott before pulling the boy by his waist into a hug ."Don't know Scotty boy"replied the shorter boy .This would always happen and the highschool ,teenagers heck even the teachers were used to their actions but never dared to ask because a certain wolf boy would shut them up in a second with a glare

Scott's pov
Hmm stiles seemed more cheerful this morning ,he never fails to amaze me with his peaceful and friendly aura even on a Monday morning ,he is ready to engulf u in a warm and comfy hug which just makes u relax and know your safe that it feels like home ,"Scott, Scotty boy hellooo !!",I got startled and then remember that I was talking to stiles and probably zoned out ,"hey u okay they Scott u seem like u have something on ur mind and overthinking it .Gahh ur thinking for once we got to get u to the hospital !!"he said freaking out on the spot I was confused,"why do I need to go to the hospital if I'm lost in thought?"I asked he replied his voice filled with sass ," That's the problem !ur thinking for once u never think always said it tired u out and took to much time and energy so if ur lost in thought there might be a demon possessing u or ur sick "," Why do u have to roast me like that and in front of everybody " I say feeling a bit offended while people around us laughed at our antics ,everyone was used to our interactions and I think they thought it was cute I mean we acted like a couple to bad Im to much of a wuss to confess plus I don't know if I have a chance the rest of the pack men like stiles too and are just waiting for the perfect time to pounce and retrieve their prey

Hey lovelies sorry for not updating on this story for like two weeks !?!? Anyway hope you'll like bye bye

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