part 2

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Author's pov
It was currently the middle of the day and as usual the gang sat at their normal table but something didn't feel normal to them .They felt like their were forgetting something ,someone ? it was eating at them until they finally got remembered stiles!!Where was Stiles ,he wasn't in his usual spot squashed in between Liam and isaac .

The two innocent teens never left stiles side they were stuck to him like glue so everytime at lunch or if they go out, the sarcastic teen would always find his way inbetween them not that he minded he loved his pack especially when they would randomly come up to him to receive affection but he was closest to the youngest members Isaac and Liam .

Liam because he helped him with grow with his powers and as a person and isaac,the sweetest human being on earth because he helped him with his trauma any time he needed to talk to someone he would only go to stiles heck he would even wake up to find the two cuddling into his side sleeping peacefully ,he loved them so much .

They were HIS PUPS and no one was gonna hurt them if they tried they would be dead with help from Derek .He and Derek weren't always as cool with each other like they are now they had to work on somethings but after awhile they were fine .Now they are so close they hangout and go on small coffee dates when they're free sometimes they would bring the two along but not the rest of the pack .Stiles and Derek didn't know why but they got a weird vibe from the pack whenever they were 'civil' to each other ,he didn't know if it's because they're suddenly nice to each other or what but something was wrong and they didn't know what but enough about that the more important question is where is stiles ?

Ironically stiles was out with Derek just out of beacon hills at a restaurant in the mall they were sitting and chatting as they waited for their food .When stiles got a call from Liam he im.ediatly picked it up and it switched to video call .
On the screen
Stiles :Hi sweetie , what's wrong did anything happen cause if you or the others are hurt I'm coming right now

Liam :Mom where are you .we or me and isaac were worried about  you oh and the pack is too I guess

Stiles :oh sweetie I'm so sorry I made you worried .It's just that derbear took me for lunch look he 's right here .Dereck move your chair next to me
Derek moved and he waved and said hi to Liam and the pack

Derek :Hi pups how are you ?sorry I snatched your mom away I just wanted to take him out for lunch .He mumbled  sheepishly

The pack was in utter shock why were they hanging out together ,did he call stiles their,/our mom,why would he want to take him out for lunch ,is it a date

Isaac : Hey dad ,why didn't you tell us u were taking mom out on another date we could of came so we could of made sure u dont touch mommy again .We don't want you kissing him ,mommy's kisses are only for us not u plus we dont want another sibling just yet .

Stiles just blushed and looked down while Derek chuckled .

Stiles : Isaac sweetie u are so innocent but so blunt sometimes and don't worry I will always give u and Liam kisses you are my number 1
but we talked about this. Mommy and daddy love each other so I'm allowed to give him a kiss okay how about when we get home we all make brownies and lasagna ,Is that fine puppies

Liam +Issac : Yeah that's fine mommy wait u said at home are u not gonna come back to school they squealed out

Derek : No ur mommy isn't coming back can u pls just tell the principal that he is sick and took leave .Me and mommy have a suprise for the whole pack and I think you gonna like it

Erica:Wait a surprise!!say no more batman we will cover for u cause I know this is gonna be an awesome suprise

Stiles :Haha, ok thank u Catwoman ,bye Isaac and Liam ,mommy and daddy need to go now we will see u and the rest of the pack later love u
Derk waved goodbye and stiles blow a kiss and hung up

What just happened ?

The pack's Pov
We all turned to the youngest and demanded for an explanation ,"What was that why did u call stiles and Derek mom and dad ,why were they together and why are u saying at home do u live together "Boyd asked shocking everyone cause he is usually calm and silent ,"umm,
well they are kinda like our mom and dad even though Liam is Scott's beta we feel more connected to derek than u and stiles always helps us with our problems he takes care of us like his own children so he is like our mom so we call them that and they don't have a problem with it so "Isaac answered they all nodded .They understood the effect stiles and derek had on all their lives especially these two, they were the youngest and they were put through the most trauma ,"So why are they hanging out are they dating cause u said they kiss ",Scott Said feeling somewhere inbetween the line of anger ,confusion and sadness ."Oh they have been dating for almost two years now we only found out last year when we started to call them mom and dad ,and they have been living together since "Liam answered this time .

The pack was shocked and a bit angry .Why were they not  informed about this shouldn't they have know from the start and Stiles lives at the pack house they haven't even noticed the relationship .I mean yeah they noticed the slight change of attitude between the two but they just thought it was because they were cool now .NEVER in a million years would they or anyone expect the two to be dating .It was like a slap to the face but boy they were in for a few more

Hello lovelies Ali here so I kinda didn't know what to write but I managed to come up with something hope u like it also don't bad mouth me for my English only 13 years old anygay love u

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