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” The Big Red Dragon roared loudly and he started to burn the forest that is close to the beach with fire from his mouth.”

DARL: *Talking In His Mind*
He burns the forest to take advantage from the sand storm that Klaus did, the wind from the sand storm will make the fire even bigger, in a few minutes the sand storm will cover the whole island and the fire will be very big... Tsk.

” Darl started running to the Dragon and dodged some firballs that the Dragon threw at him. Darl casted a spell while running "Snow Magic: Snowfall" small snow started to fall from the sky as the sky kept getting darker and the wind slowly started to blow harder and harder. Darl jumped and hit the Dragon right in the face, the punch made a shock wave but the Dragon didn't seemed affected by the punch. Darl quickly jumped back when he saw that the punch didn't affect The Dragon.”

DARL: *Talking In His Mind*
Damn...his skin is really hard, i guess it won't work with physical strenght. The snow that falls on him drains him out of mana and he probably didn't even realized that yet, i have the advantage now. (Smirks)

” A huge amount of snakes started to come from the forest and they gathered around the Big Serpent, The Big Serpent couldn't see Klaus anymore because of the storm that blocks The Serpent's vizibilty, the storm is much more dense where Klaus is. Afraid of the storm The Serpent curled his head in the ground making a hole and went in the ground as he kept digging underground. The Serpent tries to give Klaus a surprise attack by attacking him from underground, he dug and crawled fast in the direction of Klaus and when The Serpent was close he jumped out and catched Klaus in his mouth and swallowed him.”

” The Serpent made a proud look thinking the fight is over but got a shocked face when he saw Klaus walking towards him.”

KLAUS: (Talking While Walking)
Aaah, how unfortunate for you, you really thought you got me didn't you? Haha..
What you swallowed was just a sand clone, the best way to kill a serpent is from inside, you really falled in my trap.
In the range of the sand storm i can detect everything, your surprise attack didn't work, right after i did the sand storm spell i did a sand clone too, seems you had no idea of my clone. (Smirks)

” Klaus didn't wanted to waste any more time so he rose his right hand while he casted a spell named "Sand Magic: Sand Manipulation, Spears Of The Clone" he then closed his right fist and the clone exploded in dozens of spears, The Serpent instantly died and he fell on the ground. After The Serpent died all the snakes from the beach ran in the water. The Fire became bigger and Klaus cancelled the sand storm by saying "Spell Annulation"

KLAUS: *Talking In His Mind*
And me who thought that this serpent is Basilisk The King Of appears it was just a big and weak serpent after all.
Well now, i think this is a big chance of Darl getting the 5 feathers badge so i won't interfere in his fight. I will help him only if he is on the verge of dead...damn that Dragon looks scarry and powerfull.

” Slowly it started to rain and strong thunders came from the clouds, the rain made the fire weaker and weaker. Darl Drank one of his platinum potion which was ice magic, slowly he walked towards the dragon and rose his left hand a bit as he casted a spell "Combined Magic: Graupel Crystal" a small and shining crystal started to form in Darl's left hand.”


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


DARL: *Talking In His Mind*
Seems he is a bit weaker now since my snowfall magic drains a pretty good amount of mana out of him. The rain kinda melts the snowfall but is still okay, i will finish this. (Serious Tone)

” Darl throwed the crystal above The Dragon and suddenly the crystal made a strong light which blinded the Dragon for a moment, Darl used that moment and made a magic ice sword and throwed the ice sword right in the Dragon's left eye. The Dragon was in pain and roared very loudly, he then took out the sword with his claws and started to fly up in the sky.”

DARL: Eeh, does he tries to hide in the clouds? Such a cowardly act.

” Darl took the crystal back in his hand and at the same time Klaus was pierced with 7 arrows in the back, the ones who shot were some goblins who were hidding in some bushes.”

KLAUS: Damn it i let my guard down!!!

” Klaus falled in one knee and Darl saw and runned fast at him. Darl saw the goblins while he runned and made some ice golems to chase them and to kill them.”

DARL: Holy shit Klaus that's a lot of arrows, okay stay calm i will take the arrows out and at the same time will freeze the wounds. (Worried Tone)

KLAUS: You don't have time!

DARL: Of course i do!

KLAUS: Look up you stupid bastard!!

” Darl looked up and saw The Dragon flying towards them fastly.”

DARL: *Talking In His Mind*
The damn Dragon looks like he is on fire... God damn it, does he try to blow himself and the whole Island?? (Panic Tone)

” Darl panicked a bit as he didn't know what to do in this situation.”

DARL: I don't think is any other solution than my sacrifice.. When Lotus fought with that Dragon.. The Dragon did the same right? He blew himself up and all the city with him. (Sad Tone)

KLAUS: Back then Lotus couldn't save the city, he killed The Dragon in the sky and when The Dragon falled down from the sky.. He exploded when he hit a city building. Because of the wounds i can't really concentrate my magic.. Im sorry that i can't help. (Sad Tone)

DARL: Damn... My life wasn't that bad overall......
The arrows didn't hit any vital point, you will survive, just don't let your guard down again and treat your wounds.
take care of the kids that i brought with me in the capital... Sayonara Klaus.

KLAUS: Damn it! . (Sad Tone)

KLAUS: *Talking In His Mind*
In the books that i read when i was little.. A hero was always someone with white hair.. Back then i was a bit jealous on the ones with white hair... People will remember you Darl as just a adventurer who sacrificed to save me and the island, but I... I will always remember you as My Hero!


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