Verse 5.
As a result of past activities he takes on different types of body.
Absorbed in that dress he remains forgetful of Śrī Hari.
Therefore māyā gives him so many kinds of miseries
And although he bobs up and down in this ocean of misery,
he still thinks that he is happy.
Lying on a bed, suffering greatly, having been sick a long time
“I am very well today,” he says laughing.
I get a laugh out of his “feeling very well”
This is the way the soul conditioned by māyā feels “well”Verse 6.
How many plans they have to remain “well”
But time and time again nature destroys them.
daivī hy eṣā guṇamayī that is the Supreme Lord’s māyā.
Try to understand exactly the meaning of their “feeling well”;
No one is well in the whole world, but still they are saying
In this way māyā cheats the conditioned soul.
But, ignoring that he is being cheated, he remains absorbed in māyā;
And although māyā kicks him, he will not give up his mistaken conception.Verse 7.
Again and again making plans, and again and again they are destroyed.
Sometimes he falls on the dry earth and sometimes in the mud.
In this way the universe is filled with wandering jīva souls
who finally by the grace of Guru and Kṛṣṇa get bhakti-the eternal wealth.
Gaining that wealth if they can give up all other so-called wealth,
Then very easily he crosses over the ocean of saṁsāra.
There on the other side is unparalled spiritual variegatedness.
There he enjoys in eternal happiness and peace.Verse 8.
The mad say, “There everything is formless,
Without special feature like a kind of nothing.”
He is actually the storehouse of spiritual tastes—raso vai saḥ
The intelligent knowers of tastes serves him becoming his subordinate
Śānta, dāsya, sakhya, vātsalya are those tastes and
The best of all, mādhurya, is the essence of them all.
But in the spiritual world all these tastes are relishable,
Whereas the material tastes are just shadow reflections and are all contemptible.Verse 9.
One who worships Kṛṣṇa is clever
But one who worships māyā is a pauper.
Becoming a pauper one engages in temporary pastimes
Without knowledge of the true relationships of things he
simply becomes bound up in māyā’s knot.
Arjuna and Duryodhana both fought in the same war,
But Arjuna was the best devotee and Duryodhana died.
on one battlefield both dear and detestable
One who is intelligent will be able to understand.Verse 10.
One who fights the war of life knowing his true relationship,
He will remain alive while all others will perish.
One who does not know his relationship, and takes up some other path,
He will never attain love of god, and his whole life is useless.
First understand properly your relationship with Kṛṣṇa
And then keeping that relationship, go and fight with māyā.
Other than this all the heroes of jñāna and karma
Never attained liberation, they were all uncertain.Verse 11.
In name only they were great sober and unaffected men,
They were all unpeaceful.
Desiring liberation, sense gratification or mystic powers, all had uncontrolled senses.
The uncontrolled senses don’t answer to the potency of yoga.
How many yogis and munis there were, and always the senses remained independent.
Without service of the master of the senses there can be no sense control.
They all return to material activities after a short term of peace.
By the process of yoga, no one ever attains sense control.
This is explained extensively in the Vedas and Purāṇas.Verse 12.
Viśvāmitra sat on the yogic āsana
But he desired the pure beauty Śakuntalā.
In this way the yogis fall down, what to speak of the jñānīs
And the karmīs are all just asses, suffering in all respects.
The one to whom Kṛṣṇa is merciful and gives His instruction,
Becomes equally as fortunate as Arjuna.
But one who fights for his own happiness’ sake
He, like Duryodhana, dies along with his family.