Chapter 5

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I woke up in the morning to the smoke alarm going off so i quickly ran downstairs and saw Damon, Luke and Jessie on the floor laughing their pants off like literally laughing their PANTS OFF!! Then i asked them what is going and they stopped laughing stood up pulled their pants up <hahah and Jessie said that they were making toast and then Luke needed to fart so he did but he forgot the toaster was on and he was standing on the bench over the toaster then he let go and flame came from the toaster and so did smoke and that is why the alarm went off it was funny at the time and you should have seen Luke's face it was funny as. Anyway what are we going to do today I asked Damon, Luke and Jessie and the only person that answered was Damon and he said let's go out for breakfast because the toaster is note very healthy to eat out of it so If I was you Alyssa I would chuck that one out and buy a new one so I through it out and we went out to dome to have breakfast then we caught the bus to the shops and I spent a lot of money on a new toaster, clothes, shoes, bras, etc and the total amount of money I spent was a million dollars I know a lot of money but I got a lot out of it even though the bus driver had to carry my stuff to the bus and put it in his body hole with all my friends stuff. We finally got home and the bus driver put my and my friends stuff in the games room near the front door then he left and I got a call from my mum saying hey how are you and I answered her good and the baby sitter is great then she said happy birthday because tonight is my birthday party and she will not be able to make it :( I really hoped she could but she can't so yeah anyway tonight is the night I get to answer Damons question.


It is 6:30pm and everyone is arriving I am so excited and I am going to tell Damon my answer yes finally can get it it of meh...

he was shocked his eyes were wide open and his mouth was on the floor litterally on the floor with a big smile.

he said are you sure i was like hell yes then he gave me a big hug and leaned in for a kiss he got one then he started blushing and so did I. I then opened all my presents and had cake it was really yummy then it was like 9:30pm and i said on the microphone that is was just dancing and to have fun

Dancing Time 9:30pm to 1:30am

then everyone went home and i fell asleep on the couch so did all the friends staying over we were all squished the party was over. so yeah but i had one of the best nights of my life...

continue to CHAPTER 6

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2013 ⏰

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