Chapter 5

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I gripped the seats as Vex helped me with breathing as I struggled to not grab Vex's neck. "What!" 

"He asked about you! T-Talked about you! The lady who's waiting for him? I-It's you!" I stood over him until I froze.

"What?" I looked at Vex, waiting for the 'gotcha!' moment.

"Yeah! I'll tell you anything, just don't kill me!" Vex whined. I sighed, helping him stand up. I sat as I listened to Vex's story.

I was at my shop after helping you think about the Striker guy. At first, I wanted to kill him but then I thought hey what the hell, he's leaving town, it will be fine. Fate's a bitch, though, just like I said. Sure enough, an Imp comes in and I gruff a hello as he nods, walking up to me.

"Boss-man. Know of a hotel in the area?" He asked, and I shrugged, looking towards him before I realized who I was looking at.

"Your Striker." He nodded, reaching for his gun but I made him pause at what I said next. ,"I know Lizzie!" Freezing, he eyed me before asking a few questions before he left with directions for the hotel. So, just as I said later that night, I went for a beer and, as I sat down, I saw Striker in the corner. Feeling friendly and maybe mischievous, I ordered a beer for him as I waved. He walked over and I thought 'shit what did I just do'. We spent a few hours enjoying a few too many beers, talking about each other because I wanted to know what kind of man he was. Then, as we got more and more wasted, I asked him if he still loved you.

"Never stopped." At that moment, I sobered up and should have told him to fuck off. But the way he talked about you, I fell in love with the story. So I did offer him the couch at mine to crash.

I sat as Vex washed the dishes as I licked my teeth, weighing my options. Kill. Let live? It's so difficult.

"So, how did you have the bright idea to come here?" I amused him as I stood up.

"This morning when he woke up, I had a semi- threatening conversation with him about you. Now, before you kill me anymore, no, I didn't tell him what you do or how you felt about him. I just told him how he hurt you, and that if he tried to go after you, I won't hesitate to protect my friend." I smirked, proud that Vex stood up for himself.

"You know, for a hellhound, you're a softie." I pinched his cheeks as I threw on my hat and grabbed my holster, holding my gun and blade.

"So you won't kill us? Or at least not kill me?" Vex asked as we walked outside. I grinned, winking at him.

"Well, that depends on that one." I pointed to the barn where I heard grunts. Walking around it was clear they were here bright and early, and Striker got right to it. I will say I'm impressed with the work.

As we made our way to the barn, I smiled, seeing Bomb being friendly with Nightmare as they shared a carcass. Grinning as I saw Striker as he was preoccupied fixing a hole in the back of the barn.

"Should I spook him?"

"Does he spook easily? Seems like the kind that doesn't." Vex said.

"Morning there Darlin'." I watched as Striker lifted his head, hitting it against a post and cursing before turning to see me and Vex standing there. Striker looked down for a second, nodding his head with a smile before getting up and wiping his forehead as he sauntered closer to us.

"Hey, Vex." He grinned, shaking the hellhound's hand before glancing at me nodding his hat, "Little Lady." I pursed my lips as he walked past us.

"I'm getting my gun and killing both of you." I stared at Vex, who held his hand up.

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