Side Piece: Lizzie's Target

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(A/N: Will have abilities like Kaa from Jungle Book.)


"Can you do it or not?" The voice asked over the phone and I was a second away from breaking the phone in my hand.

"Yea..." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Could I actually go through with it, though? Course, it had been a decade since last I saw him.

"Good. I except a phone call when it's done." And with that a simple click, a moment later the smashing of the phone could be heard.

"Fuck!" I groaned and flopped on the bed. It was a simple job, kill the man I love. We knew this day would come. Where one of us would be hired to kill the other.

"I wouldn't be able to do it. I love you too much." I said, tears threatening to spill and Striker laughed softly.

"Don't worry Darlin', whenever one of us gets the call, how about this. You get the job done, collect the money and then we go after the bastard that made the call."

"Would that work?"

"Long as we lie low for a while after, what could go wrong?" Striker lifted my chin up to meet his eyes and smiled. "I love you so much, Darlin'."

"I love you too Striker."

That, of course, was when we were both 18 and just starting out. It was a mutual breakup that neither of us wanted, but we both understood. It was a dangerous job, and it was better off this way.

"Are you sure?" I cried and Striker held me tight, his body bouncing gently, told me he was crying too.

"I can't lose you Darlin'."

"I love you Striker."

"I love you too Darlin'." He gave me one final kiss, and I watched as he and Bomb left.

Getting everything ready, I left the crappy rundown hotel I was staying at and hopped on Nightmare, the horse Striker had given to me on our first job.

"Alright sweetie, let's go find him."


It had been a week, but I eventually found his last location in a small town on the other side of the ring of Wrath. Ok, simple plan. Subdue him so he's out of it, call the bastard, collect the money and take care of him. In-and-out, and Striker won't even remember I was there.

I hid behind a tree far enough in the distance until I heard the familiar sound of Bombproof's hooves and watched Striker arrive at the hotel. My heart melted seeing him again, a decade later, and he was handsome as ever. I smiled and watched him a little longer until I whipped Nightmare with my tail and road off to lie low until nightfall. A few hours later I came back and hopped off Nightmare, walking over to Bomb.

"Hey boy, miss me?" I whispered and gave him a few pets and treats before I walked upstairs, one hand on my pistol for protection and took a few deep breaths and knocked on the door. Here goes nothing. I heard his gun click before the door opened revealing Striker in just his jeans, his hair wet still from a shower.

"D-Darlin'?" Striker looked shocked, and I smiled, my heart breaking the longer I stood there taking him in.

"Hey Striker." I whispered and wrapped my tail around his, purring as I stepped closer to him.

"W-What are y-you-" Striker's eyes widened more than I pushed him against the wall. Whether he still wasn't believing I was real or realized why I was here, it didn't matter. I could see him fighting my 'special ability' but in the end it was no use. "D-Darlin'..."

"It's alright my love. You're ok." I whispered, his hands wrapping around my waist, our tails wrapping around each other tighter in a loving embrace.

"I've missed you so much..." His voice was starting to slur and I brushed my hand against his cheek, wiping a stray tear away.

"I know Striker, I've missed you too." I helped him lay down on the bed, kissing his horns. "I need you to do me a favor, can you do that, sweetheart?" I asked, and he nodded with a grin showing off a gold tooth.

"Anything for you Darlin'. I need you back, I want you back. I never stopped loving you." The urge in his voice and knowing how my ability made truths slip from the tongue made me tear up.

"If you be good and lie low for a week, we can be together again. Stay here in this room for one week and I promise you'll see me again." I whispered, and he nodded, his eyelids drooping, his grip on my hand loosening.

Once I knew he was asleep, I scrambled to get him enough supplies to lie low. Writing on a small piece of paper with just my address, I stuck it to the bottom of his bag and grabbed one of his bandanas, wrapping it around my wrist. I stepped outside and cried until I got back to Nightmare and hopped on her, grabbing my phone and hitting dial.


"It's done, Where do I meet you for the money?" I asked and wrote the address with a grin.


Arriving at a bar, I stepped inside and looked around until the bartender nodded towards a man sitting alone. I smiled and sat in the chair next to him, ordering some food and a drink.

"I need proof before I give you the money." He whispered, and I nodded, showing pictures I took of Striker sleeping and showed him the bloody bandana. He nodded and slid the money over to me and I began to count.

"So were you the one who put the hit out? Or just a middleman?" I innocently inquired, and he smirked.

"Nope, just me. You're my middle man. He was causing problems that-"

"I don't care to know what it was about. I just needed to know who to kill." I grinned and before he could react, I shot him in the chest. With a satisfied sigh, I shoved the body on the ground and dug into my food before heading back to my small home.


Striker POV

"I know Striker, I've missed you too." No, don't wake up. I can only see her in my dreams. It was like waking up from a long dream. A dream I'd rather go back to. I remembered barely anything between sleeping and laying in bed to recover from my latest job. There was a bag with enough food and water that I must have figured I'd be out of it for a few days.

When I went to pack up my things once it was time to move on, look for another job, I noticed a folded up note with just an address. Did I already find another job? I frowned and shook my head before grabbing everything and left for the address.



One week later, I had finished doing my chores inside before slipping on Striker's bandana and headed outside to tend to my livestock and garden. After an hour in the garden, I could hear the familiar sound of hooves and looked up to see Striker and Bomb slow down right in front of my home. I stopped and stood up just as his eyes met mine.

"D-Darlin'?" Striker's voice was unsure, and I smiled.

"Hey Striker." I walked up closer to him to where we were only standing a few feet from each other, the tense in the air rising.

"It wasn't a dream..." Striker looked at me, not asking but telling and I nodded.

"Someone wanted you dead. I took care of them."

"You left your address?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"You remember anything from that night?" I asked, knowing it was a coin toss.

"I said what I said, and I meant it if that's what your asking, Darlin'." Striker smiled as he walked closer to me, pulling me into his arms and wrapping his tail around me.

"S-Striker..." I blushed, my eyes widening as he twirled his finger around the bandana on my neck.

"Now the question is, did you mean what you said?" He eyed me and I nodded pulling him in for a kiss. "We can be together again."

"I love you Darlin'."

"I love you too Striker."

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