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"Fuyu come help me clean up the table!" The blondes mom yelled for him.

"Not now mom me and Baji-san are watching a movie!" The younger yelled back at his mom.

"Excuse me?!" Chifuyu heard her foot steps coming towards the living room.

"I said I'm coming!" Chifuyu shot up to go help his mom leaving Baji to pick out a movie by himself.

"Hmm..." Baji hummed scrolling through the avaliable movies.

But it didn't take to long for the blonde to come back.

"What're we watching?" Chifuyu asked smiling at the older boy.

"I don't know, how about a Marvel movie? you can't go wrong with those," Baji replied opening up Disney+.

"Sure," Chifuyu smiled scooting closer to Baji.

"Is Age of Ultron fine?" Baji asked.
(Wanda Stan over here 🙈)

"Yep whatever you want," Chifuyu beamed, he seemed really happy about something but Baji couldn't think of why he would be.

Later into the night, Chifuyus head slowly slid from his hand as he laid his head into Baji's lap.

"Hm?" The raven hummed looking down at the sleeping blonde and smiled.

The older boy pushed the hair out of his face just to admire how adorable the younger was.

Everything about Chifuyu was just so perfect to Baji the way he laughed, walked, the way he talked with such excitement, how his lips looked so kissable, just him being alive and breathing was all Baji needed.

The taller boy reached behind himself grabbing a blanket from off the back of the couch and put it atop of Chifuyu.

Baji blushed when chifuyu mumbled something snuggling his face dangerously close to the olders groin. Baji covered his mouth biting one of his fingers when he could feel Chifuyu breathing on "him" through his pants.

Stop stop stop stop

Baji was freaking out he was starting to get hard and the blondes face was right there but Baji didn't want to disturb his slumber Chifuyu has had a long day already.

Baji took a deep breathe to compose himself scooching back slightly to try not to feel the youngers breath on him.

"No!" Chifuyu mumble yelled at the raven snuggling back up against the older boy.

"Fuyu? Could you not lay there?" Baji asked assuming the blonde was atleast partially awake.

But there was no response the blonde was subconsciously doing it.

"Goodnight you two," Chifuyu's mom smiled at Baji going into her room for the night.

"Goodnight...Matsuno-chan," Baji replied weakly, pushing the blondes head more on his thigh.

A sigh of relief came over Baji when Chifuyu didn't complain or move his head back to where it was.

Baji layed his head back closing his eyes he didn't want to disturb the younger even if he kept moving his head.


A few hours later Chifuyu woke up, stretching himself across Baji not even realizing the raven was there, until he sat up and saw Baji sleeping.

Chifuyu smiled attempting to get up.

Arms wrapped around his waist and he was pulled down into the olders lap.

"Baji-san?" Chifuyu whispered feeling the older boy put his face on the back of the blondes neck.

"Mm yeah?" Baji mumbled in his morning voice.

Chifuyu blushed just hearing Bajis voice like was honestly so hot.

"I-" Chifuyu hesitated he did want to get a glass of water but now he was completely against getting up.

"I?" Baji question breathing down the back of the blondes baggy T-shirt.

"N-nevermind," Chifuyu shivered slightly from the air on his spine.

A comterable silence fell between them as they sat there together not wanting the others touch to go away.

"Can I ask you something?" Chifuyu asked breaking their silence.

"Of course," Baji answered starting to draw on the blondes thigh with his finger.

"Earlier today...what did you mean by 'I love you too?'" The younger asked tensing slightly when Baji stopped playing with his thigh.

"Exactly what I said," The other answered.

"But do you love me as a friend or...?" Chifuyu felt his heart race a bit he was getting anxious.

The raven pulled Chifuyu closer to himself sensing his discomfort right away.

"I love you more than a friend," Baji whispered into the blondes ear nibbling on it slightly.

"Uh-" Chifuyu attempted but he was way to flustered to speak.

Baji giggled a deep mischievously giggle.

It made Chifuyus heart speed up hearing it, he really liked it.

"What about you?" Baji mumbled kissing the back of the blondes neck. "How do you feel about me?" One of the ravens hands slid up the blondes shirt while sliding the other one down into his pants.

The younger grabbed the olders wrist.

"D-don't please," Chifuyu whimpered.

The older removed his hands.

"I'm sorry," The taller boy apologized.

"It's fine...Can- I'm going to bed," Chifuyu quickly got off the olders lap basically running to his room.

The blonde jumped on his bed hiding himself under his blankets.

What's wrong with me...

Was I really about to do that with Baji-san?

What would of happened if I wasn't scared?!

Lewd thoughts stormed into the blondes brain

Leaving him flustered and his heart racing.

"Stop thinking about such dirty things!!" Chifuyu screamed into a pillow.

The blonde heard a small meowing coming from outside his blankets.

Chifuyu snatched the cat so quickly bringing him under the blankets with the blonde.

"Peke J I need help," He whispered to his cat.

"I totally just freaked out and bailed on Baji-san," He explained to the black cat like he would understand.

"But I don't know if I wanna have sex yet," He continued to explain. "Or like we aren't even dating yet...What if he wants to just use me for sex!"

"No Baji-san would never do that," Chifuyu disregard that idea instantly.

"Ugh Peke J you're no help..." The blonde grunted burning his face into his sheet "Maybe I should text Takemichi..."

The black kitty snuggled up on Chifuyus cheek purring knowing something was wrong.

"Thanks Peke J," Chifuyu smiled petting under the cat's chin.

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