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Did I do something wrong?

The raven frowned looking at his hands, disgusted with himself.

"Ugh I hate myself," Baji brought his knees up to his chest hugging them.

I mean I thought...

Baji shook his head

No that's not it

But...I thought maybe he liked me atleast

Maybe I shouldn't of put him on the spot?

What if I just destroyed our whole friendship?!

The ravens intrusive thoughts were getting the best of him right now.

Maybe I should text Kazutora...

The older boy picked up his phone not even turning it on just staring at the black screen.

"Hmmmmmmmm," Baji hummed thinking really hard.

NO that's the worst idea I've ever had

Maybe I should text Mitsuya instead I mean he helped me figure a lot of stuff out...


⚫ Hey are you awake?

🟣 Yeah why?

⚫ I need advice

Mitsuya sighed rolling his eyes

🟣 Let me guess with Chifuyu?

⚫ Yeah how'd you know?

🟣 What happened

⚫ A lot

⚫So basically...

I dont feel like re explaining everything you guys already know so yeah.

🟣 Wow okay that really was a lot...

⚫ Yeah Yeah now tell me what to do

🟣 Me? I don't know, it's your relationship I'm not apart of it

⚫ ...What the whole point of me texting you was for help

🟣 Ugh...

🟣 It seems like you made him uncomfortable, maybe he doesn't want you touching him like that

I made him uncomfortable?! Baji glanced over at the blondes room.

"And I was left on read," Mitsuya rolled his eyes going back to sewing.

The older got up knocking on the blondes bedroom door.

"Uh!" Baji heard the blonde rustling around.



The raven let out a light laugh.

Chifuyu swung his door open "Yeah?"

"You sure you're okay I didn't want to make you uncomfortable or anything," Baji apologized again staring sweetly at the blonde.

"No that's not it..." Chifuyu objected "I...Just..." He mumbled fiddling with his fingers.

"It's fine you dont have have to explain it," Baji smiled patting the blondes head. "You don't like me and that's alright," Baji rubbed his nape.

"Huh?!" Chifuyu blushed.

"Hm?" Baji brought his attention back to the blonde's face.

"Wha-When...I never said-" Chifuyu stuttered out.

? Baji looked at the blonde with a very confused expression.

Chifuyu looked down at Bajis lips making him gulp, and take a deep breath.

Well it's now or never Chifuyu

The younger grabbed the older boys cheeks bringing their faces about a centimeter apart.

Baji looked into the blondes Ocean green eyes and Chifuyu looked into Bajis bronze colored eyes.

Oh no I hesitated!! Now what!!

The younger trembled a bit before leaning forward letting their lips lock. The olders eyes widened slightly before returning the kiss right back to the blonde.

Chifuyu was the first to break their kiss looking up at Baji not letting their faces get away from each other.

"I'm sorry-" The smaller boy tried to apologize but was cut off immediately by The older boy bringing their lips back together.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," Baji let out a sigh of relief onto the youngers lips.

"Me too," Chifuyu agreed.

Baji took the blondes talking as his opportunity to slide his tongue into the youngers mouth.

Chifuyus eyes shot open meeting Bajis gaze instantly and the olders eyes told the blonde to follow the ravens lead.

Chifuyu hesitatantly started to use his tongue as well, earning a light moan from the older, making the blonde blush heavily.

Damn Fuyu's really good with his tongue

The ravens hands traveled down to the blonde's waist while the blondes hands traveled up into the ravens hair. Baji used his foot to silently close the blondes door.

The boys parted for a brief moment a trail of Salvia still connecting their mouths as they panted heavily. The older lifted the blonde off the ground bringing their tongues back together as the older boy walked them over to the youngers bed.

The blonde was placed on his back as Baji got a top of him not letting their kiss break again. The older boys hands started sliding up the blondes shirt when the blonde broke their kiss again.

"Wait..." The blonde whispered on the ravens lips.

Baji looked into the blondes eyes he looked nervous and embarrassed.

"We don't have to do anything if you don't feel comfortable," Baji reassured the younger boy.

Chifuyu shook his head looking away from Bajis gaze.

The raven moved off of the blonde and laid in bed next to him.

Silence fell between them and Baji could sense how awkward the blonde felt.

"Did you know Kazutora fell down a flight of stairs at the mall once," Baji tried to lighten the mood looking over at the blonde who was holding back a laugh.

"And he walked into a glass door within the span of 5 minutes," Baji edged on trying to get the blonde to laugh.

Chifuyu let a soft squeak before he started laughing.

Baji smiled admiring the blonde as he laughed, he loved this boy more than he ever thought possible.

The younger suddenly felt arms wrap around him pulling him into the older boys chest.

"Hm?" Chifuyu hummed looking up trying to meet Bajis gaze but his eyes were closed.

"I adore you," The older mumbled placing his chin a top of the yoingers head.

Chifuyus cheeks turned to a light shade of pink and a small smile formed on his lips making his heart speed up slightly.

Chifuyu loved he was the only that got this side of Baji he felt so lucky.

Chifuyu leaned his head forward slightly till his forehead rested against the raven shirt, closing his eyes letting himself drift to sleep.

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