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"Hey, do you want to go to the movies?" Baji asked the younger boy. 

"I can't, I have homework to catch up on," The blonde objected. 

"Fuyu do you want to study together? I could use the help," Baji suggested to the blonde. 

"Can't tonight I'm doing something with my mom," Chifuyu lied. 

"Want to hangout tonight?" Baji asked the smaller boy. 

"I'm really tired, I just want to go home," Chifuyu answered. 

"Sorry I can't tonight Fuyu I'm gonna hangout with Yui but you can come along if you want to," Baji said through his phone putting his socks on. 

Chifuyu sighed on the other side of the phone. "No, it's fine." 

"Are you sure? You sound upset," Baji asked, making sure the blonde was okay. He had been down in the dumps lately and won't talk to the raven about it. 

"You know what I'll go with you," Chifuyu answered. 

"Really? I think you'll like Yui, she's really cool," Baji told the blonde. 

"Okay meet me downstairs in 5 minutes," Chifuyu told the raven. 

"Alright bye," Baji hung up, putting his shoes on. 

"Ready to go?" Baji asked, watching the blonde come down the stairs. 

"Yeah," Chifuyu smiled. 

"Alright she lives down the street, it's not a far walk," Baji informed the blonde, wrapping his arm around the younger one as they walked. 

They walked in silence that wasn't very comfortable Chifuyus aura wasn't sitting right with Baji, it was making him a bit uncomfortable. But everytime he asks what's wrong the younger one decides to yell at him or lie to him.

"You want to stop and get snacks before we get there?" Baji suggested pointing at the small store they always went to. 

"Sure," Chifuyu answered a bit coldly. 

Baji frowned a bit as they walked together into the store.

"Welcome back, "The girl at the counter greeted them. 

Both boys nodded walking into the snack aisle together. 

"Want some of these?" Baji asked. 

"Sure," Chifuyu answered, not even looking at Baji. 

"Are you mad at me?" Baji asked with a fed up tone. He was sick of Chifuyu avoiding him, ignoring him and treating him like he was un-important. 

"No of course not," Chifuyu faked yet another smile. 

"Then why haven't you wanted to hang out for the past week? I keep inviting you to things but I'm just being straight up ignored and rejected," Baji angrily crossed his arms tapping his foot. 

"I've just been tired lately," Chifuyu tried to use the same excuse as always.

"Tired my ass," Baji turned around storming out of the store. 

"Wait Baji-san!" Chifuyu followed behind the raveonette.

It seemed like it was gonna start storming soon. 

"I'm suppose to be your boyfriend right?!" Baji burst, turning around pinning Chifuyu against a wall. 

Boyfriend?! Since when?!
Chifuyu stayed silent, not saying anything. 

"Right?!" Baji raised an eyebrow at the blonde. 

The raven scoffed, walking away from the blonde again. 

"Right! You are!" Chifuyu yelled. 

Baji turned his head looking back at the blonde. 

"So why do you act like you aren't!!" Chifuyu yelled. 

Baji scoffed again, turning his whole body to face the blonde again. "What do you mean I'm not, says you! You're the one who's avoiding me like a child instead of telling me what's wrong!" The older boy was getting pissed off. 

"I'm not the one purposely making you upset!" Chifuyu yelled back, getting frustrated. 

"What on earth are you talking about?!" Baji was genuinely so confused about what the blonde ment. 

"Ugh!" Chifuyu stomped his foot clenching his fist. 

Baji rolled his eyes, he was about to turn around and just leave the blonde. He was honestly a bit fed up; he did absolutely nothing wrong. It was Chifuyu who was ignoring him.

"It's because I'm jealous!" Chifuyu finally burst. 

"Jealous?" Baji mumbled confused. 

"Of what? Or who?" Baji asked the blonde. 

"You know! It's like you were trying to make me jealous," Chifuyu looked down at his feet. 

"What are you talking abou-" Baji stampered. 

"You know exactly what I mean!" The angry blonde huffed out. 

"Well I honestly don't," Baji huffed back in a petty tone starting to match the blonde's anger. 

"Ugh," Chifuyu clenched his fist stomping one foot on the ground, splashing a small puddle from the heavy rain they were standing in.  

"What's there to be jealous about...Why are you even jealous?" Baji asked. 

"I-" Chifuyu stuttered. 

That's right I don't have any right to be jealous...but do I?

"I'm jealous of her!" Chifuyu answered, looking back up at Baji, locking eyes with him. 

"Yui?" Baji questioned with a head tilt holding back a laugh. 

Chifuyu shook his head. 

"I hope you know you're being such a hypocrite right now," Baji crossed his arms with a scoff and a sly smile. 

"What?" Chifuyu was taken back by that response. 

"All of the girls at the school adore you and are always all over you," Chifuyu could hear the jealous tone in Baji's voice now. "So you have absolutely NO right to talk to me about being jealous."  

"Ugh," Chifuyu clenched his fist tighter, digging his nails into the skin on his palms. 

"I hate you!" The words left the younger boy's lips an instant regret, he could never hate Baji. The amount of loyalty and respect he showed Baji should have been a huge sign of that. 

Baji's mouth opened slightly and his eyes widened, Chifuyu could see the hurt on his face and watched as it turned to anger. 

"Thats it all you've been is a thorn in my side, an obedient little puppy that just followed me around everywhere!" Baji didn't mean a word of that but he felt attacked and hurt and felt the need to stab Chifuyu back.  

"Tch," Chifuyu clenched his fist tighter drawing blood out of his palms, looking down at his feet he was starting to tremble.  

Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry 

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