Part 1

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Work has been really busy recently and it's been a while since I last went to Jueyun Karst...

Perhaps I could take a day off this week.

I'll ask Mr. Mao later. Surely he wouldn't mind me taking a day off.

"Y/n. Y/n...y/n!"

"Yes? Oh, sorry..."

That was your boss, an heir of the family who opened the Wanmin Restaurant for the first time. Everyone in Liyue was acquainted with the restaurant and the name Mao was known in just about every corner of the city.

"For the gentleman over there." he said, giving you a plate of Mora Meat.

"R-right, thank you."

You walked up to the table a placed the dish in front of the man.

"Here's your Mora Meat, Sir. Hope you enjoy!"

The client gave you a soft smile in return, before turning his attention to the well cooked meat. You bowed and returned to the kitchen.

"Y/n." Mr. Mao motioned for you to come closer "You haven't taken a day off in a while. Are you alright?"

"You're too kind. I'm fine really." you smiled "Ah, true! Actually, can I take friday off?"

"Sure. Are you going anywhere?"

"Hmhm! Jueyun Karst. It's been a while since I last went there."

"Haha, you and the adepti, the adepti and you. Tell them your favorite boss said 'hi'."

"Will do." you smiled.

"Great. Now back to work, young lady."


At last, friday was finally here. You put on a simple white strappy shirt and comfortable shorts. On top, you have a long coat since it's cooler in the mountains that it is in Liyue Harbor.

You picked up the basket full of traditional dishes from the counter, finally heading out.

"One, two, one, two, one, two, three..."

You counted your steps endlessly until you reached the top of Mt. Aocang. Of course, you'd get distracted every now and then, so even after climbing the last stair, you were only at number twelve.


Looking up from your feet to the table in the center of the little pound, you saw a figure of a man occupying one of the seats.

He seems to be asleep...

You didn't want to bother him. Walking all the way from the harbor up until Mt. Aocang was a tiring trip, and even you would get sleepy sometimes. However, you also didn't want to go back and let all the food go to waste.

After pondering for a while, you finally came to a conclusion. You walked over the table, taking off your shoes when crossing the pound.

You gently put the basket on top of the table and took out the dishes, placing them in each seat.

"Here sits Rex." could be read on the seat the man was using.

He looked in peace, laying on his arms like that. His long brown hair and long eyelashes resembled those of a woman in her twenties. It was truly an admirable sight. You felt yourself drowning in his beauty, until a soft snort came out. That, of course, caught you off guard and you took a step back, thinking you may have awoken him. A sigh of relief came out of your lips seeing the man didn't move anymore after that.

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