Part 6

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"Y/n, you're back. Ready to go?"

The clothes Zhongli had prepared for you, apart from the underwear and pants, were his own. He lent you a shirt and a black sweater with golden details on the sleeves.

Though it was a little big on you, he thought you'd be more comfortable with that, rather than his usual tight coat.

You didn't know where Zhongli would take you. You were simply letting him lead the way and just walked side by side with him. It seemed as you were just walking inside the city, anyway.

"Y/n? Ah, and Mr. Zhongli as well. What are you two up to, today?"

"Just walking around. How was the trip?"

You had just passed Liuli Pavilion when you spotted the woman coming. She made a little run to greet you and you replied with the same energy. Zhongli just stood behind you, smiling at your little reunion.

"It was great. Oh, and Mr. Mao went to the restaurant, so you can go there if you want to see him."

"Will do. Thanks, Ying."

"Hmhm, bye!"

"See you tomorrow!"

And so, the girl left in a rush, leaving you alone with Zhongli once again.

"So... Are we going to see Mr. Mao?"

"You don't need to come if you don't want to..."

"No, I'm coming."

"Really? That's great then."

But before you walked any further, Zhongli held your hand tightly, making sure you'd stay by his side the whole time.

"Mao, are you there?" you called, tilting your head inside the kitchen.

"Ah, yes. Give me a minute while I tidy things here."

A minute later, the tall man came out of the kitchen to greet you properly.

"I was afraid you wouldn't come to see me this time." he sighed in relief.

"We just happened to walk by Ying a while ago. Otherwise, I wouldn't even know you were back already."

"Understood. And I see Zhongli came as well. Can I get you something?"

"Thank you. I just came for y/n." he waved his free hand in the air.

"For y/n...?"

That's when Mao realized your hand was being held by Zhongli's.

"I see. So, where are the two of you going?"

"Qingce Village." Zhongli replied.

"Really?" Mao switched his gaze to you "Don't forget our little promise, then."

Zhongli looked over at you with a confused expression. He didn't say anything, but you knew he was curious about the 'little promise' you and Mao had made.

"Wouldn't forget it for anything." you smiled.

"Have a nice trip."

"Hmhm, see you later."

All 'goodbyes' said, you and Zhongli walked away from the Wanmin Restaurant and headed outside the city gates. You've been walking in silence the whole time, but to be honest, it didn't feel strange, since Zhongli was usually quiet.

This time, however, he would gaze at you from time to time, from the corner of his eyes. At first, you thought there was just something on your face, so you used your hand to shake it of, whatever it was. Still, Zhongli wouldn't stop, so you decided to face him directly.

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