Part 4

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"Welcome to the Wanmin Restaurant! What can I get you?"

Another day started, the restaurant filled with peoplefor lunch. Locals, visitors from other nations and merchants, all of them together, sharing a meal.

If there was something about your job that you loved the most, that would be watching the costumers' pleased expressions as they enjoy their food.

"A jewelry soup and a plate of fried radish balls, please." the woman replied "Is there table for two? I'm waiting for someone."

"Sure is. Allow me to take you there."

"Thank you."

You took the lady to her table and walked back to the kitchen to prepare the dishes she ordered. From there, you saw the silhouette of a man rushing to the counter.

"Hey, I'm looking for a woman with long brown hair and black eyes. As she arrived yet?" he asked.

"Hmhm! At a table in the back. She ordered one jewelry soup and fried radish balls. Would you like to add anything?"

"One tianshu meat and a mint salad, please."


"You look happy today." Mao said, entering the kitchen.

"I am."

"May I know why?"

"Zhongli got me a gift. A book to be exact."

"Zhongli? He had mora on him?"

"Well, not really. We talked about the book in the market, but he had forgotten his wallet. I suppose he went back there later to buy it."

"That's Mr. Zhongli for you."

"He's a sweetheart. Anyway, I need to serve these dishes."

"Yes, captain."

You picked up the plates and headed outside, towards the couple's table.

"Here's your meal. Thank you for placing your trust on us to cook your food."

"It's always a pleasure." the woman smiled.

Seeing the beautiful smile on the lady's face made her pair smile as well. It was something hard to see nowadays. Two people smiling over a meal, that is. And you loved that.

However, now wasn't the time to think about your likes and dislikes. There were more people to be served. And so you headed to the counter, to meet with the next client.

"Welcome to the Wanmin Restaurant! I'll have to ap- Zhongli?"

"I brought my wallet today." the man shook his little pouch in the hair.

"That's something new." you chuckled "I'll have to apologize though. The tables are all occupied at the moment."

"Oh, is it a bad time? I can come later."

"Well, you can sit here, but it's quite uncomfortable."

"Do you need help with anything?"

"You're too kind. I'm just waiting for the costumers to finish their meal."

"I understand. In that case, Mr. Mao wouldn't mind if I took you away for a while, right?"

"I can't do that. I have do clean the tables after they leave too."

"Y/n, there's no one else coming." Mao approached you two "Take a break for lunch now and I'll clean this up."

"Are you sure?"

"It's just a few tables. Besides, you don't want to make Zhongli wait, do you?"

"Fine, but let me close the restaurant tonight."

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