Part 2

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"Thank you for your help today"

"No problem. I didn't have anything to do for the rest of the day, so it's fine."

"Hmhm, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Mao."

You took off your apron and packed it in your backpack and, waving goodbye to Mr. Mao, you left the restaurant. You walked home, taking in the beauty of the lights of the city during night time.

"Out for a stroll?"

Such calm and sweet voice.

"Mr. Zhongli? What are you doing here?"

"Heading home. Work was busy today."

"Ah... I see."

"Thank you for the meal. It was well tempered and the meat was cooked to perfection."

"It was nothing, really."

"I appreciate it. Also, here's your box and napkin."

Zhongli walked closer to you and handed you a now clean box and a folded napkin.

"Have a good night, miss."

"You too."

Not long after, you finally got home. Zhongli had cleaned everything after eating, so you just had to put it in your backpack to take it back to the restaurant the next day. After that, you took a shower and went to bed.


"Good morning!"

"Good morning, Mao!"

"Hey, did you encounter Mr. Zhongli yesterday? He came here looking for you some time after you left."

"I did. He just wanted to give me back the box. Oh, I almost forgot."

Taking off your backpack, you searched inside with your arm and took a box and a cotton handkerchief out of it. You placed them on their right places and finally closed your backpack.

"So, what do you need me to do?" you asked, putting on your apron.

"Hm... Can you check on the ingredients for me?"

"Sure thing."

Twenty minutes had passed before you came back outside.

"There aren't many sunsettias. We could use some more mint too. I'll be out collecting them for a while, so tell me if there's anything else you need."

"Really? Well, can you bring violetgrass too? Don't go climbing every mountain though. Pick just the ones you can reach."

"Alright. See you later!"

"Stay safe."

Since I'll be going out, let me see if Qiqi wants to come with me.

And so, you went to the Bubu Pharmacy, looking for the little girl.

You've known Qiqi ever since you were just a kid. However, the cryo vision bearer didn't seem to grow up. That, of course, didn't make you like her any less. On the contrary, actually. Besides Mr. Mao and your co-worker, Mss. Ying, Qiqi was one of the only people you've ever befriended.

She always carried a notebook around, with the things she had to do written on it. She forgot everything easily, but after all these years of hanging out with you, she no longer needed to look for her notebook to remember who you were. It's as if you were stuck in her memories.

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