Knight In Faded Flannel Part 2

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Ashley moaned in discomfort from the kink in her neck after having slept on it wrong. She slowly rolled from her front to her back and let out a hiss of pain. She massaged the back of her neck for a bit before she slowly and carefully sat up, the blankets slipped past her bare chest and pooled around her waist. Eyes still closed, Ashley could feel the curtain of hair covering most of her face and feel the bounciness of it. She lifted a hand and ran it through her thick mane muttering profanities to herself for being too lazy to tame it the night before. Ashley had always hated her natural hair, feeling like it was a nuisance as it just got in the way of her everyday work. She also felt it too feminine and didn't like the way men were attracted to it. One of many reasons why she always took the time to control it.

Huffing a sigh, she tossed the blankets to the side and climbed out of bed. She stretched her naked body before she walked over to her bedroom window and peeked through the curtains. The sun was just starting to break the horizon, Ashley knew her horses would be expecting her in the next half hour. With coffee on her mind, she quickly dressed in her usual denim and flannel then headed across the hall to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Images of the beautiful barista girl floated through her head as she brushed. The café was a regular spot for Ashley to go, and before the blacked-haired beauty started working there, it was second nature for Ashley to stop in. Now, after admitting her attraction to the woman to herself, she suddenly felt like a spotlight had been shone down on her, watching her every move and hearing her every thought. What if she catches on that I like her? Will she see right through me? She placed her toothbrush back in its holder then leaned forward toward the mirror, grasping the edge of the sink and stared into her own dark brown eyes that bordered on black.

"I'm too old for her." Her eyes then looked up and all around at her full hair. Loose bronze brown curls paired with the odd tight kink sat just below her shoulders. The colour of her hair matched her dark eyes which only added to her intimidating aura. The fact that she had mastered a "backoff" scowl paired with her tall and toned body, Ashley never worried about getting hit on whenever she had to go into town. A thought suddenly hit her square in the chest. Had she been off-putting and surly whenever she was served by the woman of her desires? Shit, she hoped not. She took another unimpressed glance at her hair and accepted that it was just going to have to do until next time she washed it. No hat or band was going to subdue the jungle on her head today. Shaking her head at herself, she turned and left the bathroom with coffee calling out to her that now sounded more like a siren's call, beckoning her closer and closer. Question was, was it her craving for caffeine that was calling or was it the barista who lovingly prepared her coffee that was teasing her with a come-hither finger? As she prepared her coffee, Ashley made up her mind that she would be making a trip into town after her chores were complete.       

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