The Famous Rock

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Resting my hands over my mouth I try and not puke on my dress. The waves crash against the ship as we were in view of the famous rock. The rock that would become my home. Casterly Rock of House Lannister. Jaime rests a hand on my back trying to sooth the sickness.

"I'm sorry you're sea sick, Juli." He spoke the wind blows his locks every direction as the ship docks underneath the rock's ship yard.

He intertwined my right hand with his left helping me walk down the ramp seeing me still swaying. Guards come down to collect our stuff. "I'll escort you upstairs."

He spoke as I felt my body getting better so I try to protest. "I think I'll be fine now." He tilts his head brushing his hair from his eyes. "I couldn't very well let my wife get lost in her new castle."

Guards opened the large doors of the main entrance to the castle where I feel my mouth open in shock. Red and gold banners with the Lannister seal hang from the ledges. Multiple large staircases are in front of us. Jaime tugs me forward up one of the sets of staircases seeing me glancing around the room at everything. The castle is indeed made of thick stone. I tilt my head up trying to hear the water hitting against the rock like he had told me but it's almost impossible.

"The walls are too thick. If you want to hear the ocean. You can hear it from in here."

He turned a door handle that opened to a bright opened room with multiple windows. Slipping my hand from his I strolled to the window watching the sea smashing gently against the rock.

"It's a lot more breathtaking now that I'm not trying to hold in puke." I breathed out glancing over my shoulder to Jaime.

"If you like this sight. I have something much better for you to experience." He offered his right hand pulling me down some stairs and two long hallways into a bedroom.

"I thought you said-" I trailed off seeing a tunic and trousers laying on the bed.

Jaime turns his back to me and I shrug my shoulders changing out of my dress. Grabbing some boots and lacing them still confused on where this is leading.

"Follow me, little wolf." He instructed heading out the door.

I chased after him as he moved through the castle like he hadn't been somewhere else for years. He finally stopped walking to open another door that allows a breeze where my noise can smell the ocean. Jaime takes my hand leading me outside for the wind to blow through my red hair. He takes me down some stairs until we reached a low point of the high rock. Squinting my eyes I could see that the water is still a long ways down. Glancing back up at the castle it looks to be father off in the distance from here.

Turning my focus back to Jaime I see him starting to pull his shirt over his head. My cheeks immediately burn when he glanced my way with a smirk. Dropping the shirt he simply hollered out running and jumping off the rock, dropping down into the water. "Come on Juliet!"

I rushed to the edge frantically searching the surface of the water seeing that he hadn't come up yet. "Jaime, Jaime!"

I feel my heart beating faster thinking that the gods have cursed me. Giving me to a crazy man like the late dragon king who was a Taragaryen until Jaime killed him. Finally his head popped up in the water and I released a gasp I didn't know I was holding in.

"Come join me, my wolf!" I shake my head thinking the fall must have gave him a concussion or worse.

"Jaime, are you insane. I can't do that!" I called down to him.

Jaime just smirked even though you were too high up to see it, he hollered back at you. "I dare you, Stark!"

Biting my lip it was like he knew just the right words to taunt me. I could never back out of a dare as a child. Theon Greyjoy was always annoying when he learned about that. Robb and Jon only did it sometimes. But he couldn't resist and did it where half the time I'd get in trouble with my mother. Getting to my feet without really thinking I jump off the rock, clutching my eyes closed right before I hit the water. Opening my eyes I try and swim up to the surface but I actually don't know how. Suddenly I see Jaime swimming to me pulling my head above water. I gasped sharply kicking my legs trying to not go under again.

"I never thought you'd actually do it." He exclaimed and I throw water at his face still trying to keep myself up.

"You dared me. I never back down from those. Are you trying to get us killed, unlike you I haven't lived a full life yet Lannister!"

"So if I dared you to tell me how handsome I am after we get back to the castle every hour. Would you do it, Juliet?" He swims over smiling and I shiver feeling him wrap his arms around my waist.

I can't stop my eyes from staring at his bare chest then back to his eyes. "Are you suggesting a game...Jaime?"

Jaime had to take the opportunity to stare at you this close to him. He felt you shiver around him even though you were the oldest Stark girl. You still had an innocence about you. A gentle side that he wasn't used to being around. Cersei never treated him in a playful way like you are in this moment.

"Let's get back to the castle before they think we've ran off."

He intertwined my hand with his left swimming towards the rock. He climbed up onto the edge intertwined my hands with his pulling me up. I slip on a rock landing ontop of his bare chest blushing immediately.

Jaime's hands rested on my sides, lifting his right hand to my cheek softly. Parting my lips his gaze doesn't leave mine. The wind blows some of my wet hair but all I can really focus on is him. It's like I'm drawn to him and we know nothing of one another. All I know are my mother's warning about to not trust him. That he betrayed his king therefore never to be trusted again.

"Jaime...." I mumbled when he lifts up pressing his lips to mine. "Juliet..."

I easily kissed back bending my head down so he ends up laying on his back. His other hand traces my hip and my right hand thread's my fingers through his wet golden locks. Jaime tilts his head deepening the kiss feeling me smile against his lips.

"If we keep this up, little wife. We might end up in bed together." He mumbled in between our kisses.

I break the kiss resting my forehead against his our hot breath mixing together. "I might not object to that, husband."

Jaime pursed his lips together about to respond when we heard foosteps running towards us. Jaime rolled over onto his side and I attempted to duck for cover seeing its a Lannister guard.

"Uh...My Lord, My Lady. I have news. Tywin Lannister is here." Pressing my face in my hands I know I'm blushing for like the third time today, my father in law is here.

Hi readers question, do you prefer I start writing like this. Separating when the characters are talking? Comment please

Comments really appreciated :)

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