ii. Angel in disguise

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A pause washed over the crowd in the over-extravagant room which Cadence would be presented to the glorious yet bored Queen Charlotte, who sat on the in a rather luxurious chair with her white ballgown taking up most of it.

"Miss Cadence Bridgerton!" The announcer exclaimed to the crowd of people seeking to see every young female who were make they're debut this reason. "PresentEd by her mother, the right honourable, the dowager viscountess Bridgerton." The voice was slightly muffled as the white wooden door with slight golden detailing opened before Cadence took a last breathe before displaying herself to the queen.

Cadence lifted her chin slightly before she decided to take small step towards the queen who sat on a pedestal. The sound as her heels making contact with the wooden floor boards caused quiet whispers to become know. She smiled as she saw from the corner of her eyes the rest of the family who came to watch her make her 'grand enters' in Hyacinth words. She felt slightly overwhelmed know if she made a slight mistake it might tarnish the Bridgerton name and be published to the world in one of Whistledown newest scandalous stories.

The hundreds of eyes watched the eldest bridgerton in envy, wanting they're daughter to be as beautiful as her even thought they'd be comparing they're daughter to her. Cadence believe beauty is no only the surface of a lady but also within, she believe being beautiful within is more important.

Daphne was gleaming at the sight of her sister making her first steps of her debut, along with Hyacinth they couldn't be more excited for her. While Francesca was a lot more relaxed for the elder sister she looked up to while on the other hand Eloise looked extremely uncomfortable and bored to be in such a drab environment.

Cadence look so dainty and innocent as she walked ever so slowly towards the queen she had a little smile pursed on her lips showing of her dimples which she inherited from her late father. Being closely followed by her mother who stood a few feet behind her until they come to a abrupt stop in front of the queen. She smiled softly and took a graceful curtsy in front of the doled up lady while she lent down she took a silent breathe before the queen Charlotte stood up before the crowds.

The lady's beside her who had fans in hand graciously look her hand, helping her down the steps down towards Cadence who was still in the bowing position waiting for the queen to say or do something. She waiting for what felt like minutes which was in reality second, only to feel her majesty fingertips lift up her chin to see cadences beautiful face. "A angel sent down from the heavens. Flawless my dear." Charlotte smirked at Cadence, admiring the radiant aura of the young girl. Cadence smiled softly after hearing them words 'angel' and 'flawless', earning the approval she wished for.

Charlotte lightly kissed Cadences forehead and held her cheek in her hand than returned to her seat above the rest of the crowd. Cadence bowed again feeling the intense eyes on her even more now. "Did that truly just happen mama." Cadence whispered before standing up straight. Before her mother hushed her. "Keep your chin up, dearest. They watching you. Now more than ever."

Cadence gleamed in front of the crowd. She felt her brothers love radiating from across the room, especially Anthony's she could feel how proud he truest was of his younger sister he had a soft spot for. Colin was cheesing knowing his sister would be a lady every man would want after the encounter with the queen. Them words that melted in the back of her brain would be published to everyone and she knew she'd be the talk of the town.


The young Jem of this season was in a complete daze. Hearing the words of the queen echoing through her brain not being able to comprehend the thought of being this years diamond of the first water.

"You shined sister. I think you looked beautiful." Hyacinth giggled engulfing her in hers little arms, wrapping her arms around Cadence waist earning a little laugh from the elder sister. Even though Hyacinth had just barged into her room.

"Do you think everyone shined? I believe so, because, it's not all about your looks it's also about your kindness to others. The beauty on the inside counts too." Cadence smiled before tapping her on the tip of the nose. Cadence and Hyacinth had alway been close, they do everything together. Hyacinth alway went to Cadence with problems and as Cadence was a wise young lady she alway helped her. The youngest sister of the bridgertons alway asked about her father not being able to know him as of his passing, cadence shared stories with her about the adventures he took them on which she loved.

"Will you be here when I make my debut?" Hyacinth asked with a little bit of glimmer coating her eyes waiting for her sister answer. "I would miss it for the world." She whisper back.

"Now how about you pick my cloths for this evening, I know you alway want to do it." Cadence offered. Making her younger sister giggle before she quickly pulled opening the large wardrobe doors revealing what looks like hundreds of beautifully made dresses in order of colour.

"You shall wear a lilac dress today, as it is the colour than symbolises first love!" She squealed as her picked up the beautiful dress, and gently gifting it to Cadence.

"Go go! Try it on for me." Hyacinth usher her along to get changed. Cadence laughing at the fact she was being a in real life doll and hyacinth was playing dress up on her.

The exotic silky laced fabric slips on her figure like a glove, the soft shad of purple did make her look youthful and tranquillity. The white stitching on the dress danced along the breast bone of the purple silk, the white thread was sawing into the dress making multiple daisy's scattered around the top of the dress giving its a spring feel to the gown. In this gown she really looked like a angel who was lucky enough to to grace this earth once again.

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