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"You came to see me?"

Sarada was in the hospital and it was all his fault.

He couldn't protect her.

He couldn't look Sasuke in the face, he promised he would protect his daughter, but he didn't, she saved him and now she was in the emergency room.

He stood at the top of Mount Hokage watching the sunset lost in his thoughts and guilt.

From what he had been told, Sarada had left the ER an hour ago and was now under observation, but unfortunately, no visitors were allowed until further notice.

He needed to see her, needed to apologize for not being able to protect her.

He looked once more into the sky and an idea occurred to him.


He nimbly jumped over the facts of the village until he reached the hospital where his girlfriend was hospitalized and sneaked through one of the windows of the Hospital so he could look for the room where the Uchiha was, he was so focused on your task that he didn't notice that someone was behind him who had been watching him for quite a while.

He could not contain the shock he had when someone behind him cleared his throat trying to get his attention.

Turning around he paled when he saw his girlfriend's mother standing in front of him with her arms crossed and clearly not happy at all.

-Sakura-Obasan, I...- the now Uchiha cut him off before he could say anything else.

-What are you doing here?- he asked in a firm and demanding voice.

-I came to see Sarada and... - Again he was cut off by his mother-in-law.

-You can't be here- Sakura let him know.

-But I just wanted to apologize for what happened, please Sakura-Obasan, it will be only for a moment and then I won't come back, I promise- the blond begged to the pink-haired girl.

-And why won't you come back?- she asked now confused. - Sarada will be sad if you don't come back to visit her.

-What?- Now it was the blond who was confused by the pink-haired girl's question.

-Yes, if you leave just like that Sarada will be sad and then she will get upset," he mentioned while imagining his daughter's reactions.

-Aren't you angry with me?-

The older girl now looked at him confused by his question.

-What? Why should I be mad at you?-

-Because of me Sarada got hurt and I couldn't protect her, the attack was coming towards me but Sarada saved me -

The pink-haired girl understood the situation and understood what was tormenting her son-in-law.

-Oh Boruto... None of this is your fault.-

-But... - -

-Sarada is old enough to make her own decisions on her own, she is responsible for her decisions, she chose to save you because you are someone important in her life, we have to be thankful that it didn't happen to her... - she spoke in a reassuring voice.

-But I still feel guilty for what happened and I can't get it out of my head.-

-It's normal to feel that way when you see someone you love in danger...- he paused for a moment and then made another observation... -Also .... I think it's not only that that worries you- he commented with a mocking voice.

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