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(H E A V Y angst up ahead, as well as overdose and alcohol. Read at your on discretion.)

          Sal hummed as he climbed up the ladder to the tree house, plastic bag hanging on his right arm as he did so. His head peeked into the treehouse from the ground, smile forming on his lips as his eyes landed on his beautiful boyfriend, Larry. He sat on the windowsill, staring out into the field before him. "Larry Face!" Sal shouted excitedly, pulling himself onto the platform before standing. "I got snacks at the gas station," he hummed as Larry slowly looked over at Sal. His Sanity's Fall shirt was dirtied up, his expression being blank as he stared at Sal. "The candy was half off, so I got both of your favorites," Sal continued, sitting down on the wooden flooring as he pulled out two bags of candy "Sick, right?" he asked as he removed his mask, watching as Larry slowly approached. He sat down in front of Sal, watching as his blue haired lover opened his own bag of Skittles. He poured a couple of the sweet, bright colored orbs into his hand before popping a couple of them in his mouth. He chewed, looking at Larry. He tilted his head, furrowing his brows. "Something wrong?" He asked, Larry still having that same blank expression on his face. 
          "Sally," Larry said softly. "You have to let go."
          "What?" Sal almost immediately asked. "Let go of what?"
          "Me," Larry responded simply. "Please, Sal...you have to move on."  Sal blinked, chuckling awkwardly. "What- what're you on about, man?" He asked. Larry bit his lip, standing. "Get up," he calmly demanded, Sal hesitantly setting his Skittles down before doing so. "Turn around," Larry spoke. "Larry, are you alright man?" Sal asked, taking a step closer. "C'mon, you're acting weird. Just talk to me."
          "I will after you turn around," Larry responded. "Please." Sal narrowed his eyes before perking up, gasping slightly "Oh!- Do you like, have a gift for me or somethin'?" Sal asked, grin forming on his face. Larry did not respond, only stared at Sal silently. "Alright alright- turning around," Sal said excitedly, quickly turning his back to Larry with a wide smile on his face.  He bounced excitedly, humming happily. "Lemme know when I can turn around," he said, taking Larry's silence as some form of suspicion build up for Sal. Sal held his hands in front of him, smile never falling as his eyes looked around the room. They landed on a framed picture of him and Larry, his smile only widening as he saw. God, how lucky he was to have such an amazing boyfriend. "Larry, can I look yet?" he asked, only receiving silence as a response. "Larry Face?" he asked, slowly looking over his shoulder. His smile dimmed a bit. "Larry?" he asked, looking around the room. He was gone. "Larry? Where'd you go?" he continued, turning his back to the entrance as he looked around the room. 
          "Sal?" Sal turned around Ashley was standing next to the entrance in the floor, Todd slowly pulling himself in. "Oh, hey guys," Sal hummed, smiling wide. "You here to see the gift Larry got me?" Todd and Ashley froze, exchanging glances with each other. "..What....are you talking about? Todd asked softly, brows furrowing. "Yeah! Cool, right?- I think he's tryna scare me though," Sal spoke, walking over to the cabinet in the room. "He stopped talking, and now I can't find him."
          "Sally...," Ashley said in a sympathetic voice. Sal looked over at her, taking note of Todd's silence and Ashley's glossy eyes. "Sally, Larry is gone," she breathed, understanding what was happening now. Sal squinted his eyes, smile turning into a grin. "Why're you guys actin' weird? He's right-"
          He grabbed the handles to the cabinet, pulling the doors open.
          "....here." The cabinet was empty, say for the folded note that was taped to the inside of the door. It said 'TO SAL' in messy handwriting. Ashley gasped slightly, stepping forward. "Sal- no," she said, Sal having quickly snatched the note before she could. He turned his back to her, unfolding the note before reading over the words. He narrowed his eyes, gripping the paper tightly as they slowly widened.
          I love you, Sally Face. Always.
          See you on the other side, Larry.

          Sal suddenly gasped as tears flooded his eyes, the note slipping from his fingers as he took a couple steps back. His back met Ashley's chest, her tears already streaming down her face as she hugged him tightly from behind. "No," he breathed as memories flooded his mind.

          "lARRY!" Sal shrieked as he climbed up the treehouse ladder, tears of fear rolling down his face under his mask as he did so. Thunder cracked as he scrambled his way up, wet hair sticking to his mask . He finally pulled himself into the tree house, heart dropping at the sight before him. Larry lay on the wooden flooring, pills having scattered from the orange capsule he had knocked over on the floor. An empty liquor bottle also sat next to him, only causing Sal's panic to rise. He rushed over, mask somehow unbuckling and falling to the ground as he did so. He got down next to Larry, pulling the male into his arms. He was ice cold to the touch. "Larry?" Sal croaked, shaking him as he tried to hold in his sobs. "Larry, stay awake- please," he begged, trying his best to hold onto hope. "P-Please, helps is coming- please, please wake up." There was no response. He wasn't breathing. 
          Sal hunched over, sobbing hysterically as he hugged Larry close to him. He gripped Larry's shirt and hair as if his life depended on it, thunder crashing once more and making the tree house shake slightly. 

          Sal let out a whine, shaking his head as tears involuntarily strolled down his scarred cheeks. "N-No, no no no no," he choked, Todd cautiously approaching the two. "I'm so sorry, Sal," Ashley said in a whiney, faint voice as her hug tightened. Sal began to breathe heavily as he gripped her arms, body trembling. He collapsed in Ashley arms, her and Todd getting down to prevent Sal from slipping and hurting himself. He clung onto Ashley's shirt, sobbing his broken heart out into it. He felt as one of them - presumably Todd - rubbed his back, Sal not caring. Nothing could comfort the pain he felt in his shattered heart. The one thing, the one person he cared for most was gone.

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