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          A quiet tapping came from Sal's window, causing the male to tense before he glanced over. With the help of the moonlight, he was able to see that it was Larry. He wore a wide and excited smile, waving at Sal excitedly. Sal furrowed his brows slightly, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of his bed. He walked over to the window, unlocking it before pulling it open with a screech. "The hell are you doin', man?" Sal asked quietly, looking at his seemingly ecstatic boyfriend. "Happy birthday, dude!" Larry said in a whisper, wide smile never leaving his face. "C'mon! Midnight slushies are on me and Todd."
          "Lar, I can't. My dad'll be pissed," Sal responded, honestly sad that he couldn't go out with his friends. Larry, however, wouldn't let it slide. "Sally, you're an adult now. You can do whatever you want!" He responded. "Come on. You said your dad wasn't planning anything, so we did. Albeit, it's not no party or anything. But just better than nothin', right?" He asked, taking Sal's hand and intertwining their fingers tightly. "Please?"
          Sal bit his lip slightly before sighing, locking his eye with Larry's. "Lemme go get my mask and an eye," he said, Larry fistbumping at his success at convincing Sal. He stayed at the window as Sal walked back to his dresser, quickly popping in one of his glass eyes before clicking his mask on. As he buckled it, he slipped his feet into his sneakers – he's the birthday boy. If he wanted to celebrate in his pajamas, he had every right to do so. He grabbed his jacket off of his computer chair before making his way back over to the window, Larry backing up so he could come out. Sal carefully climbed out, reaching up to the window after he was out so he could pull it down. Since he was struggling a bit since there was no handle to pull down on, Larry approached and helped him pull it down. "Let's hope no one finds out it's unlocked," Larry joked, Sal giggling slightly as he put his jacket on. "I'm sure it'll be fine," he hummed, pulling his hair back before tying it into a low ponytail with the hair tie that was around his wrist. After he did so, Larry wrapped an arm around his shoulder. He pulled him close, pressing his lips firmly against the side of Sal's head as they began walking towards the street.

          A loud groan left Ashley as she looked at the slushie selections, narrowing jer eyes. "I can't pick which one I want," she complained, Sal and Todd looking over at her. "Bro, do all of them," Larry replied, Todd cringing slightly as a grin formed on his face. "Ew. Coke and banana?" He asked, raising a brow. Before anyone responded, Ashley had already began to fill her cup with all of the flavors. They were cherry, blueberry, Coke, and banana. She grabbed a straw, stirring it around before taking a sip. She smacked her lips slightly, looking at it. "Interesting," she hummed as she took another sip. "Fuck no, let me try," Sal demanded, Ashley handing him the drink. He handed Todd his blueberry slush, moving his mask out of the way just enough to taste the drink. He stared at the cup after tasting it, blinking. "Okay what the fuc–"
          He was cut off by his phone ringing, causing him to tense. As Ashley took her drink back, he quickly pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket. The caller ID read Dad. "Shit..," he breathed, checking the time. 2:47. He had been gone for almost three hours, just how long it had taken his father to realize he was gone. Sal bit his lip as his thumb hovered over the answer button. He didn't want to be yelled at, but he didn't want to ignore his father. He sighed as he clicked the button, bringing the phone to his ear. "Hello?" He asked, his friends exchanging worried glances with each other.
          "Where are you?" His father's groggy voice asked calmly, Sal gulping slightly. "I just went to grab a drink with the guys," Sal admitted, his worry beginning to fade at how calm his father was. The phone went silent for a moment. "Just get home safe," his father spoke, Sal blinking. "A...alright?" He asked, honestly shocked his father wasn't laying into him for sneaking out.
          "What'd he say?" Todd asked with furrowed brows as Sal hung up, shoving his phone back in his pocket. "He said to just get home safe," Sal said, looking at his friends. "I thought he'd start yelling."
          "See? Worryin' too much," Larry said as he wrapped an arm around Sal's shoulder, ruffling his already messy blue locks.

          "Thank you. Really," Sal said to Larry as he pulled himself through his bedroom window. The sun had rose a little while ago, the sound of birds chirping filling their ears. "How many times you gonna thank me, dude?" Larry asked as he watched Sal, locking eyes with him. "Dunno," Sal simply responded, grinning as Larry rolled his eyes. Larry leaned against the window frame, staring up at Sal. "Does this give me extra boyfriend points?" He asked with a smile on his face. "Mmmm, what do you think?" Sal asked as he took his mask off, tossing it back on his bed.
          "Well I'm hoping it does," Larry spoke, Sal leaning down so his elbows rested on the windowsill. He grinned, leaning forward and pressing his lips against Larry's for a moment. "It does," Sal hummed, wide smile forming on Larry's face. Suddenly a loud knocking came from Sal's door, the two jumping at the noise. Sal huffed, looking at Larry. "Call me later?" Larry asked, Sal nodding in response.

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