Chapter 26 - Mercy

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(Artwork by eeeddies)

Mono pursed his lips as he thought about what they were going to do. They were trapped in a room and had no choice but to either surrender or fight the Pretender. If they chose the latter, they would most likely lose. He looked over at Seven and quickly went to his aid, walking over to him and dusting him off.

"We're not giving up just yet... come on, get up."

He put his arm under Seven's and slowly lifted him onto his feet. Seven made a whining noise as he held his injured arm. Mono's shoulder was killing him, but he tried his best to ignore the pain as he stabilized Seven, letting go of him and letting him walk around on his own when he knew that he was alright.

"What are we gonna do, though?!"


The two flinched as the door was banged on again. Mono faced Seven, thinking up the correct words to use before explaining what he had in mind.

"Okay... so she's stronger, right? Then we gotta be faster!"


"I know you two are in there! Come on, open this door!"

The Pretender taunted them, her muffled voice only making the two even more nervous as Seven held his sides, drawing sharp and quick breaths.

"So what do we do?! She already picked me up and threw me like a frisbee!"

"We outsmart her! You're a smart kid, Seven, you can beat her in that!"

"Not when both of my legs are killing me, ow!"


The hinges on the door started to come loose as the Pretender slammed her fists against it again. Mono looked around for anything they could use, only seeing junk sprawled out along the floor. A lightbulb lit up in his head as he walked over to a plastic bag that was crumpled up against the leg of a wooden table.


Mono stretched it out so a hole was formed inside of it. He held it out in front of Seven with a confident smirk on his face. Seven wasn't as optimistic as he was, giving him a confused, annoyed expression.

"What are you looking at me like you just found some gold?!"

"Because we did!"

He put it over his own head, then took it off. Seven's once skeptical face turned to understatement as he nodded. He held his hand out to Mono, waving his fingers back and forth.

"Give it to me. I've got an idea."

Mono handed it off to him and let Seven play around with it as he went off to find other things that they could use.


With every bang, their time grew shorter and the Pretender got closer. Mono grabbed a piece of rolled-up wire, stretching out a small strip and tearing it off. He held it up to his face, examining it closely.


"Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in!"

The Pretender let out a terrifying, sadistic laugh as she pounded her fists against the metal door several times. Mono gazed over at two wooden tables that were parallel to one another, another plan constructing in his head.

"Alright, come on... not much time left..."

He quickly ran over to the wooden table that was on the far side of the room and pulled out a piece of wire, tying it around the front leg. Stretching out the wire to the other side he wrapped the other wooden leg as well. Mono quickly retreated to where Seven was, blending in with the shadows and waiting for the Pretender to bust through.

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