Safety in your arms.

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"I love you with all my bruised heart." - Violet Tefusis in a letter to Vita Sackville-west, c. October 1918

He did come back. Granted he came back beat to hell. Literally. But he was here. With you. Safe. Or at least as safe as he could be

"Sit still! God, you're worse than my nephew when he needed a bath!" Flynn, it seemed, was doing everything in his power to get away from your hands.

Blood soaked rags sat to the left and right if you. Dirty bowls and open packets of antiseptics sat at you feet

"Not a child." He spoke from above you. You hands stilled. You looked up.

"Then quit squirming and let me bandage you up." His brows furrowed and his hands twitched from where they were resting in his armor clad legs.

"Didn't need it before." Something twisted in your gut at that. Well. On one hand you were glad he was talking more. On the other.

"Doesn't mean you can't use it now Flynn." You taped up the gauze. Began wrapping the bandages around his chest.

You had quite the fright when you first walked into the medical room. Having come up from the kitchen the moment Vega told you that the Slayer was back.

He had been stitching himself up. Just finishing as you walked in.

"You're not alone. I'm here. Let me help." After everything he has done for you. This. This little bit.

He rests a hand over yours as you finish. Presses it against his chest. Above his heart  the steady beat comforting. He here. He'd alive. Safe.

"Thank you. Y/n." He speaks you name just like the first time. You become aware of just where your standing. Between his knees. Head level with his chest. The table raised up a bit to make it easier for you to help.

You step back as he slides off the table. He leave to take off the rest of his armor. You hear back to the kitchen.

You had been so excited when you learned you could cook just about anything your heart desired. Somehow Vega was able to find almost anything you needed.

You missed it greatly. Such a simple mundane thing you used to do every single day. It was gone the moment the world ended. No one could do much if anything, really. Not without the risk of demons popping out like some sick game of wack o mole.

You make it to the kitchen in time for the timer to go off.

"It seems as if your shepherds pie is done." Vega chimes from above.

You playfully had argued with Vega. That despite the fact that this was beef and not lamb, it still constituted as a shepherds pie.

"Still. I must apologize for not being able to find the lamb." You pull the dish from the oven. The top a lovely shade of golden brown.

"Don't be Vega. I was ecstatic that you were even able to get the beef. Let alone everything else." You pat the counter. You had absolutely no idea where the A.I resides but he hasn't corrected you yet.

You sat the pan down and went to go grab the plates and cups. But once again Flynn had placed them well out of your reach.

The door opens.

"Hey. Can you grab the plates?" You turn to see that Flynn is already eyeing the food you had made. "Flynn?"

"Hmph." Confusion floods through you when he puts a bundle in your hands. Then sidesteps around you to get the plates.

"What's this?" It's soft. Very soft. Fabric of some sort. "Flynn?" You look up. He's already setting the plates out on the table. Placing forks and cups along with yesterdays dinner rolls.

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