The unholy and damned

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"You were the brightest shade
Of sun I had ever seen
Your skin was gilded with
The gold of the richest kings
And like the dawn
You woke the world inside of me
You were the brightest shade
Of sun when I saw you
And you will surely be the death of me
But how could I have known?"

-The Oh Hellos- Like the dawn.

Warning ⚠️: Please be aware that there is usage of guns guts and gore. It's doom so. Ya. But still. A warning.

"Flynn. This is the fifth time you've looked me over." Once again he was pulling on straps. Checking the placement of the body armor in your chest. It was nothing near his own suit. The stuff you were wearing was akin to the riot gear police would wear.

You were protected from head to toe to. With a giant of a man to protect you as well.

Flynn tightened the holster around your thigh. You resisted the urge to shiver as he placed his hand on your inner thigh. He was down on one knee to check the fit for the pistol.

"Hmph." He stood. Rounded to the back of you. Checked the sling to the shotgun hanging from your shoulder.

Neither if you were naive enough to think you wouldn't need them. It wouldn't be unlikely that the two of you would be separated. And as much as Flynn loathed to admit it. It was better safe than sorry.

To his surprise though you already knew how to handle most guns. Growing up with them in you life became a very useful thing later on.

You grin as you think back to a few weeks ago. Watching as Flynn flicks through one of the many screens to the portal.

While he was getting the armor ready he had asked you if you knew how to shoot. You never saw him smile so brightly before until you told him that you did.

You spent hours down in the "ripatorium." As he called it. You didnt know why. There wasn't anything down there to "rip." Honestly you just let it be.

You found which of his guns you could handle comfortably but still be the most effective against the demons.

"You want to try the super shotgun?" You lowered your own.

"The what?" You laughed when he brought out a gun with what looked like a grappling hook attached to it.

"It has a strong kick. C'mere." He stood directly behind your your back pressed firmly against him as he leaned down to better help you.

Flynn set your gun aside and took one of your hand in his. Placing it on the action of the gun before taking the other and doing the same with the grip. "Whenever you're ready." He rumbled in your ear.

You pulled the trigger in one fluid motion. The grin on your face had lasted hours. The target cracked to pieces. Shattered.

"Holy shit!" If Flynn hadn't been holding the gun it would have flown from your hands. You you would have landed on your backside.

You turned. Grinning like the cat that got the canary. "Can I do that again?"

The laugh from him was infectious.

"Y/n?" Flynn calls your name. Motionz you towards the portal. You follow close behind.

Your hair stood on end as you walked through. At least you thought it was walking. Something crawled along your skin. Made your eyes blur.

Earth. You were back on Earth. The first thing you do?

Faceplant into the ground.

"Heh." You stood. Dusted yourself off. Kick the rock you tried over.

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