With You There Is Peace. It Soothes My Aching Heart.

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"But god, I look at you and I know. Hell is just another place I guess I'll go to keep you warm."

-And with bloody knuckles, you'd follow me anywhere.|P.D

You are stumbling back to the bed when Flynn wakes. He gives you a lopsided grin as he props himself up on his elbows. The blankets have pooled around his waist. A thick leg has fallen over the side of the bed.

"Walking ok?" Came a teasing voice. Your ears burn and you make a face at him.

"Very well thank you." He snorts and rises to stand as yo take another wobbling step. 

"You're walking about like a newborn deer." His voice rumbles. Still hoarse from sleep. You open your mouth to retort but squeak instead as you catch an eye full of the Slayer. Flynn says nothing. Chuckling as he lifts you up. You curl into him as the two of you lay down. Flynn draws the blanket over your hips.  

"You're wearing my shirt." Flynn mutters. Tugging on the fabric lightly. You say nothing. Let his warmth lull you into a feeling of safety. You curl into him. Tucking your head beneath his chin. Flynn draws you in close.  He presses a kiss to the crown of you head. His lips lingers and an unknown feeling fills you chest. So full its close to bursting. You feel your body shiver and if you could you would press your body closer to his. Allow his very being to overtake you.

Flynn is a familiarity you have been deprived of since all of this began. A place of safety and comfort. A security you have longed for. Yearned to have. His hand follows the curve of your hips and up your back. His fingers trail over your shoulders until they linger at the nape of your neck. You shiver as he traces circles on the skin there.

His body curls around you as the two of you shift. He blocks everything in the outside world. The fortress. To the Earth below you. All the bad seems far away. Unable to touch you as Flynn lays by your side.

He fills your every sense. Smell. Touch. Sound. The scent of him is gunpowder and leather. Thick and heavy. It clings to his skin. His body is warm. Impossibly so. As if the rage he held is what kept him going. Stoked the fires that fueled him. It is his heart beat that pulls it together. Steady and rhythmic. It is the same. It is him. The light that kept you grounded.

Flynn thought of you the same. A blessing that he is afraid will disappear if he looked away for to long. To be stolen as Daisy was. His home. Family. To be ripped apart just as Earth was. Flynn found himself clinging to you. Etching your being into his soul. An untainted memory. The sweet smell. That softness. The one thing that has not been violently ripped away from him.

Everything has left him but the certainty of your goodness. Something he thought he could never have again. To be loved so softly and without shame.

"Flynn?" Your voice is barely above a whisper as his hand comes up to cradles your jaw. His thumb soothes the skin below your eye. He his lost in you. Flynn felt his body tremble as your hand laid atop his. He felt his heart jolt when you pressed your lips to his palm.

Such violent things they were. Are. Have been. That very hand had been a killer of demons. Of violent and vicious beings. His hands have brought more harm to living things than good. They were coated in the blood of living things. The bringer of all his mistakes and undoings in this path his life had chosen to follow. And here you were. Finding peace within them.

"Flynn?" Worry in your voice now. Your hand leaving his as you sat up. And oh, when had you become blurry? Your face was blurred. Like looking out a rain soaked window. "Flynn. Are you okay?" He blinked and your face became clear once more. 

"I am more than okay." His voice broke. He could feel them. The tears. Oh this was not a feeling he has felt in a long time. Oh it has been far to long.

"Flynn are you sure. I." You stutter. You could have been an angel. The way the dim light on the roof haloed around your head. The way you held him oh so sweetly. He could die here and now and he could find peace with that. He could find peace with anything as long as you were the last sight he saw. 

You face was the one thing that could keep his demons at bay. 

"I love you." There. That's what it was. What it has always been. That feeling that burned in his chest. Those three words. Those three words that meant his entire world. "I love you." He spoke again. Drew you in close so he could lay a kiss on your lips. To your brow. The the crown of your hairline. "I love you." He said one last time.

Flynn felt as if you could burst when you said them back. Uttered against the skin of his throat. "I love you." And he did. The tears fell more freely. His shoulders shook as he held you close. Afraid that you to would slip through his fingers. That you would leave. Disappear. And all that he had experienced with you would have been a dream. A hallucination his strained brain had made up. 

He had found his peace within you. 

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