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I can't lie, I forgot about this story, and honestly kinda forgot Wattpad as a whole for a while... I do plan on continuing this story, but I want to try to work on my other story, Apocalypse In Love, and try to get that more reads and votes. Apocalypse In Love is a zombie apocalypse/romance/friendship kind of story, and it's one I feel I have a little more passion and excitement when writing it.
I can't put into words how grateful and absolutely excited I got when I saw the amount of reads, and votes on this one though, it was unbelievable to me. I love that, and appreciate that so so much!!

Now I want to work on getting my other story a little more noticed. I will most likely do one more chapter at least for this one, and not leave it off at so much of a hanger as I did before. I do agree that it was a pretty abrupt end, but the whole reason behind that was that the next chapter was supposed to be up shortly after that, which obviously never happened, which is why its seems to just end. That is by no means the ending, just got EXTREMELY distracted.😅

I can't promise at all that I'll be able to work on this a lot. Since turning 18, barely even a month ago, there's been a lot going on in my life either personaly, family, job, and/or living wise. It's been quite difficult and I know there's plenty more people like me suffering the same, maybe more, maybe less. But I've been keeping my head up the best I can, just as I'm sure you have as well, and I wanted to say I'm very proud of us and you should be to!
Times right now are definitely hard, but we got this.❤️

If there are any questions, comments, or such please do let me know, and I'll try to reply a.s.a.p.!
Once again thank you so much for the supposrt on this story, I never thought it would go this far being a new story writer. I hope I continue to please my readers.

Talk to ya soon!!👋

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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