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Later that day(Pronouns used for Loki: they/them)

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Later that day
(Pronouns used for Loki: they/them)

Loki unpretenciously paced around in front of the suitors while the maids handed out sketchbooks and pencils so that they could accomplish their second assignment of the first contest. 

"Thank you." He nodded to the maids as they went to stand aside. "Each one of you has half an hour to design your garments for today's ball. All your sketches will be collected and given to the seamstresses who will make them for you. In the evening I will rate your clothing and you will get your final points for the first contest. Tomorrow the suitors with the least points will be send back to their homelands." Loki explained the task. "Time starts now." They announced, and the suitors started sketching.

Loki thought that the tasks that their father chose were quite unfair, since everyone has different talents, but as they tried to explain that to him, his answer was that Loki's future partner has to be good in everything.

Loki strolled through the line of chairs that the suitors sat on. He stopped behind the frost giantess to admire her work. 

"Good work

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"Good work." They complimented her dress and walked towards the next suitor, who turned out to be Astrid, the light elf. 

Loki eyed the sketch, raising their eyebrows

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Loki eyed the sketch, raising their eyebrows. They knew why she chose this color for her gown. She wanted to impress Loki by wearing their signature color, but not exactly the same


Loki decided to wear a simple black suit with a satin tie in his signature color.

They walked around looking at the attire of the other suitors. One that especially caught his eye was Njal's.

It was a baby blue suit in Renaissance style

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It was a baby blue suit in Renaissance style. It was stiched in a flower-like pattern. Loki noticed how the blue suited Njal's blueish-turquoise eyes. 

Seeing Sylvie come into the ballroom, they headed to her direction.

Loki took her hand and places a light kiss onto her knuckles. "Good evening Lady Sylvie." They slightly bowed in front of her. "Good evening to you too, Prince Loki." 

"You look exquisite tonight."

"Why, thank you. I must say you look rather attractive as well." 

"May I dance with you, my lady?" Loki asked the princess, holding their hand in front of her. She nodded, and placed her hand in theirs. 

Loki lead her to the middle of the room, and they started dancing to the slow song that was playing at the moment. 

Meanwhile, Astrid stood next to the balcony door, sipping a drink and talking to Sigyn. "Look!" the goddess nodded to the direction of Loki and Sylvie. "They're such a great dancer, aren't they?"

"Mh." Astrid's hand squeezed the glass with her drink so hard, it almost shattered. She gritted her teeth in anger and jealousy. "That little slut. Taking the prince all for herself." She muttered to herself after Sigyn left her side.

The song ended, and Loki thanked Sylvie for the dance, before making their way to get a drink. 

Sylvie decided to wander around a little and talk to the other suitors. Astrid approached her, and suddenly she tripped on the floor, falling on the giantess and spilling her drink on her dress. "Oh no! I am so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." 

"It's fine." Sylvie whispered. trying to wipe the liquid off her dress, while Astrid walked away, laughing under her breath, but what she didn't know was that Loki saw the whole situation, and how she faked her tripping.

Author's Note:

Hello my darlings, 1 exam left: french, on Monday. Then the week has to end, and then I have 2 weeks school break. FINALLY.

Anyways, yesterday was my bff's birthday and we went out to a restaurant with our friend group and it was really fun, and I swear the waiter hates us so much 😂😭

Alsooo Shawn Mendes (my fav singer EVER) released a new song yesterday, it's called "when you're gone" and it's a masterpiece so go listen to it, I'm obsessed it's already my top 3 on spotify and I listened to it on repeat while writing this chapter lmao✋

Ok well, I'm gonna go now, have a nice weekend!

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