The Sleepless and The Sleepover (7)

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Third person POV

There was a knock at the door and Undyne hauled it open, revealing Frisk, standing in the rain. "Hai! Sorry I'm late, got caught up in planning for the party at the mathletes club. This Sunday after the competition." Frisk explained. "Ah okay." Sans said. "Alright, guys, here's the plan. We need to watch some anime tonight, period, no stopping me. The rest is up to you." Undyne exclaimed loudly. Alphys sat down with a shrug.


"Marco. Marco! Earth to Marco!" Jackson waved his hand in front of his best friend's face. Marco blinked, turning his head. "W-What? Sorry, I kinda spaced out for a minute..." "A minute? Marco, are you sure you're feeling okay? It's been, like, five minutes and this is the third time in the past hour that you've spaced out for that long." Jackson waved the bowl of popcorn in front of Marco before sitting down next to him. The Underworld Gang wasn't the only group having a sleepover. "Ohhh, yeah, I, uh, just got a really bad math test grade." Marco quickly lied. "You got a ninety-five, bruh." "I MEANT SCIENCE!" Jackson wasn't in Marco's science class, so he couldn't really argue. But something told him that his best friend had been having way too many nights where he didn't sleep at all– and tonight would be no different.


Not knowing what else to do, Undyne put in some anime for the gang to watch. She decided on "Teasing Master Takagi-San", Alphys's favorite. Undyne, personally, was more an "Attack on Titan" fan. Frisk liked anime like "Nagi no Asukara" and "Visual Prison" and Sans was pretty meh on anime, and Papyrus would watch anything with a cute, two-dimensional girl in it. "When you lose to someone smaller than you, it destroys your soul!" Inosuke yelled from the TV. "NYEH! HEH! HEH! HEH!" Papyrus laughed. "That means your soul must've been destroyed many times, Paps..." Sans grumbled. "Aye, be nice to your brother punk," Undyne insisted. Sans shrugged lazily and turned his attention back to the TV.

Frisk yawned as they finished their "Teasing Master Takagi-San" marathon and turned the TV off. The rain from outside was practically coming down in sheets but there were no flood warnings. 'At least not yet', Frisk thought. "Anyone have any suggestions on what to do now?" Sans asked from the couch. There was a murmur of "I don't knows" and hums of thought.


"Hey, bro, you sure you're okay?" Jackson said, shooting a glance at his best friend, who was gazing out the window with a dazed expression on his face. "Eh, Marco? Hey! Are you even listening to me?!" Jackson paused the movie and slapped Marco on the cheek. Really hard. "OW! God, Jackson... what...?" Marco mumbled. "So you weren't listening to me after all." Jackson concluded with a sigh. Marco smiled faintly. "Hah. Just keep smiling, but I'm onto you," Jackson thought. "It's not just the science test, is it?" he said quietly, scooting closer on the couch to Marco. He set a hand on Marco's shoulder and Marco let out a small yelp, pulling away? "What?" Jackson looked around in confusion. Then he thought something bad. Really bad. So he threw Marco down onto the floor and rolled up his sleeve, revealing a deep, fresh gash running from the bottom of his neck to above his elbow. "What...? MARCO?! HEY! WHAT IS THIS?!" Jackson shouted. Marco bit his lip and didn't answer, almost as if he had gone mute in those short seconds. "MARCO! WHAT THE HELL?!"


The Underworld gang mostly hung around and threw chips at each other until they slowly fell asleep. They, being everyone but Sans.

Sans's POV

I flat out couldn't sleep. Everyone else seemed like they could, but I just couldn't. I don't know why. I was assuming I had too much energy and pulled out my phone.

Marco, Jackson

Sans: u guys still up 10:23 pm

Jackson: I am, why 10:24 pm

I was slightly annoyed that it was Jackson and not Marco who answered.

Sans: Just can't sleep 10:25 pm

Sans: yk if marco is awake? 10: 25 pm

Jackson: Ya he's out cold why 10:27 pm

I rolled my eyes at his ignorance and sudden defensive attitude.

Sans: Just needed to ask him a question 10:28 pm

Jackson: Uhm ok but maybe like shut up so u dont wake him up because if your hard thick skull hasn't noticed he hasn't been sleeping so like BYE 10:29 pm

-jackson has left the chat- 

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