Chapter Twenty Five

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Atlantis is a paradise, and I couldn't help but hold my breast in wait. Wait for the other shoe to drop, wait for a darker side to show itself. So far there wasn't one, but I didn't make it this long by taking things at face value.

So when I walked through the streets, memorizing the color patterns so I could get back to Caspian's house on my own if need be, I wasn't surprised that my behavior was distressing to my guide.

"I'm not here to kidnap you," Maya said. "If you aren't ready to meet the sirens I can go back and tell Calliope-"

"No! I'm okay, really." I flashed Maya a smile. "I think I must be nervous."

Nervous, because I was used to looking for an exit before I even arrived. It was due to being separated from Nikkos and Caspian. Still, it made me feel bad. I liked Calliope and Maya. A lot, actually, and I didn't want to go to this breakfast and mess things up.

Maya's face softened. "I'm sure you are nervous. Would it help to know that some of the others are nervous to meet you too?"

That caught me off guard. "They are? Why?"

Maya laughed, a light and happy sound. "They think you will be disappointed that we don't have everything the mainlands have to offer."

"No way, I already love it here."

"Good!" Maya said. "Then I think you'll get along just fine."

We walked a few more minutes while the butterflies in my stomach settled down. "He, Maya?"


"Are you a siren too?" I asked. I had assumed she was since she arrived with Calliope yesterday, but it was never explicitly mentioned.

"No, I just wanted to volunteer to bring you so you'd have a familiar face doing it." Maya winked at me. "I'm a translator by trade. With all the outside cultures, technology, and entertainment we have here on the island, it's important to have access to many languages."

"That's so cool! I've always wanted to learn a language but I was garbage at it in school. How many do you speak?"

Maya laughed. "English, Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish, and of course Atlantian."

I whistled. "You're impressive, you know that?"

Maya blushed, but we arrived at the road I recognized that would take us to the house of sirens. Suddenly my hands didn't know what to do. I wondered if my hair was out of place, if the dress I had chosen with the waves dyed around the bottom would be out of place, if I would say something weird.

The closer we came to the grand building the more details I could see. If I thought Caspian's house was comfortable and accommodating, this place made that seem like sleeping in a cardboard box. Art. Everywhere. Sculptures, paintings, a stunning fountain in the side yard. Benches, cushions, and blankets strewn about just asking to take a nap on them. Flowers everywhere. It was gorgeous, it made me think of a palace fit for a princess. Which, in hindsight, it kind of was.

"She's here!" Shorter than me, with huge aqua eyes and braids down to her butt, it took me a moment to recall the name of the siren I met in the tower where we left the boat.

"Amara!" My chest warmed to have someone familiar here besides Maya. Especially since I didn't know if Maya would be staying, not being a siren.

Amara launched herself out the now open doors of the house. Running barefoot with the lushest cream gown I'd seen yet billowing behind her and reminding me of fairy wings. Tiny pink beads and stitched silk ribbon settled around the edges in a braid of roses when Amara wrapped her arms around me in a fit of laughter.

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