Chapter Ten

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The taxi ride was quiet.

Nikkos and Caspian were understandably pleased with the results of the night, whatever their meeting entailed, but even they must have been tired because they were both content to sit and relax for the ride. Their conversations were brief but celebratory as our driver took us down the road where I could watch the ocean on our way. The city passed by out the window, I held my bag in my lap and wondered if I should have changed before trying to ride in a crowded cab all the way home.

The pull of the ocean. It was real. The sway was real too. It was all real.

I mean, of course, I believed Caspian eventually, but the feel of the sway was becoming stronger and now there was no denying it. Something was going on with my voice, and it kind of freaked me out.

But it also answered so many questions. Guys would claim I was a tease despite not saying anything suggestive to them. Was it my voice? Then there were the asshole customers at the gym. An asshole boss or two as well. They all assumed I would be an easy lay and then got mad when I wasn't. Not that I have anything against sex. I really like sex. Sex is natural, sex is healthy. But not for the reasons they always thought. I never tried to seduce anyone, but maybe I was doing it by accident...

I blushed, lowering my head until I was practically laying against the window. Fuck, what a disaster. If I'd known this trick before, if I'd been in control to use it, or rather not use it, would I have ever ended up with Trent? Would I have still been called a slut all throughout high school? What was wrong with me? What did I do to deserve this?

And then I gasped, sitting upright. Caspian. Anything I felt toward him might be leaking into my voice as well. Was I influencing him too?

Shit, I hope not. I never, ever, want to be with someone who didn't want to be with me of their own accord.

Sheepishly I glanced over to him. He was smiling, reading over something on his phone while Nikkos was rambling something in their native language to him.

Caspian, was our kiss even real?

My heart tightened in my chest and I pressed a hand over it. Learning to control this was the best and possibly worst thing to ever happen to me. Now I wouldn't be able to use it on people when I didn't want to, but now I would question every relationship I'd ever have going forward.

"Here's stop number one," the driver announced.

We slowed and pulled over on the street that ran in front of my apartment. It was just around a corner now, facing an alley the taxi couldn't access, but as close as he could get to it.

I turned to face Caspian and Nikkos long enough to give them a smile. "Thank you again for dinner," I said.

"The pleasure was ours, Madeline," Nikkos answered, still grinning from ear to ear. "I hope we can see you again before we go."

My heart hit my ribs like it was trying to punch its way out. I swallowed, stopping my throat from tightening.

"Me too. Good night, guys." I turned to open the door and get out before either of them could see I was in my own head and about to lose it.

"Goodnight, Madeline," Caspian called after me. "I'll message you later."

"Okay," I answered without turning around, closing the door. The car pulled out into the street again, re-joining traffic and carrying Nikkos and Caspian toward the beach.

My bottom lip quivered and I clutched my bag tight to my chest.

Get it together, Maddie. Sort it out tomorrow.

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