Chapter Four

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Sweat beaded on my neck as I stood in the midday sun. I resisted the urge to pace the sidewalk, and I kept eyeing the clock on the coffee shop wall through the lightly tinted glass. Ten minutes.

What would make me come so early? Well, not having a job was one. Walking a few applications to the perspective new employers that still took paper applications on my way was another. When everyone else my age seemed to have a college education and still couldn't find a job, what chance did I have?

With a sigh, I glanced at the clock again. Nine minutes to go.

And I was nervous as hell. Caspian could be anybody. He could be a... a mobster? Not likely, but you can't rule these things out. A creep? A stalker? I mean, I couldn't explain how he knew about my problems in the water or with my voice. Those aren't things I've said out loud to anyone, there's no way he could know my inner thoughts.

Unless he could read minds?

I looked at the clock. Eight minutes.

Or maybe he's genuinely who he seems to be. A homesick businessman who sometimes went around in an open shirt on the beach. With such a smooth voice, and broad shoulders, and the way his presence snapped me out of it so I could tell off Trent.

My tongue darted out to wet my dry lips.

Big dick energy.

Seven minutes.

But I'm not stupid. That's why you take precautions like meeting at a coffee shop where the staff knows you. In the middle of the day it would be hard for him to cause a scene and get away with it. Right? Was I being as smart as I could about this situation?

"Hello, Madeline." Caspian was here. He called to me from the other direction, and I spun around to face him.

He was wearing another sharp business outfit and I was just a little disappointed he wasn't in an open shirt again. Instead he had a silk tie, neat slacks, polished shoes.

And here I was in a ratty high school tank top and flip flops. Attractive.

"Hey," I replied, my voice cracking and I internally kicked myself.

It's one thing to want answers from him, but could my traitorous body just not be so easily horny for one second of my life?

His eyes glanced down my form and back up to my eyes. "You look lovely today."

"Same," I breathed. "I mean-"

A dark chuckle from Caspian had me closing my eyes and my face heating up.

"Where would you like to eat? My treat, of course." Caspian smiled, putting his hands in his pockets.

I bit my lip. I had thought a lot about this, just in case. "Do you like fish?"

He looked like he was holding back a smile. "Yes, you could say that."

I blushed, he had dimples! How had I not noticed them before?

Focus, Maddie.

"Right, you're from an island. Sorry." I stood awkwardly, one hand holding onto the opposite arm. "My favorite fish taco place is just around the corner from here. I hope that's not too casual of a place for you."

"Not at all," Caspian said, tilting his head. "I've never had them before, it will be a new experience. Lead the way."

I gave him a small smile, my confidence building. He didn't give off any creepy vibes. In fact, he looked just like the kind of guy I'd hit on, but maybe with a little more class. Definitely an upgrade from Trent. He still looked like he had a bit of stubble on his strong jawline, just like the first time I met him. His eyes were so blue, they were like a reflection of the ocean. Mine were blue too, but it's not like I could stare into my own eyes. Not the way I could stare at Caspian's.

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