Chapter Six

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I shut the door hard the second I got back on the yacht and leaned against it.


It was stupid to kiss her.

But she was right there, and so close. And the raw, unrestricted allure of a siren is a great temptation to anyone. Especially when you're already attracted to her even when far away from her influences. I ran my fingers through my hair, the feeling of her lips on mine still lingering.

"What was that? What happened?" Nikkos was standing in the galley when he whipped around to face me.

Looking up I met his concerned gaze.

I grunted. "Nothing."

"I've never seen you slam the door like that before," Nikkos argued. "That's not nothing."

"Leave it," I said.


"Leave it, Nikkos," I snapped.

I stalked over to my cabin and opened the door. Still upset and unfairly taking it out on Nikkos. Turning back to look at my cousin, my shoulders sagged. "Sorry, Nikkos. Not now."

He paused, unsure of his next move. Or mine.

I ran my hand down my face, growling at myself.

"I kissed her," I finally admitted.

Nikkos's shock was plain on his face. "You did what?"

"She tastes like the sea," I said, quieter this time. Softer. "She belongs in Atlantis."

His eyes dropped all concern and moved to sympathy. We both wanted her home. A siren belongs at sea.

"That's not your decision to make," Nikkos murmured.

My eyes met his, my brow drawn low and tense. "She isn't doing well here, you heard her say it herself. How long do you suppose she can last with no job out here? These mainlanders don't take care of their own like we do. She's putting on a front and you know it."

"But it's her decision," Nikkos argued. "We can't make a siren do anything. No one can."

"I know!" I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I know, Nikkos."

"What do you want to do then?" My cousin asked.

"We need to convince her," I said. "We can't leave her here."

"What would the senate think?" he asked.

"Fuck the senate," I snapped. "Half of them think that just because they can stick their dick in a siren they can control them. They know nothing."

"Dimitris would demand to know why you didn't just drag her back," Nikkos admitted.

"You can't make a siren do anything she doesn't want to do," I reminded him. "You had the right of it."

He gave a dark laugh. "I know, I know. Dimitris wouldn't have that for an excuse, no matter how valid."

"So..." I crossed my arms. "We have to convince her."

"And how do you propose we do that?" Nikkos asked, just as his phone went off.

"Oh for the love... Caspian, are you calling me again?" Nikkose asked as he pulled the device from his pocket. He frowned at the glowing screen.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Unknown number," Nikkos said, answering the phone. "Hello, this is Nikkos."

I watched my cousin's expression closely. It began as curiosity, then surprise.

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