Sweet Nectar

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PHOTO FROM PICREW: https://picrew.me/image_maker/1528271 I DONT OWN IT AND I'M NOT MAKING ANY MONEY!!



It's been 3 days since the confessions have come out and I've never been happier. Yuzuhara's friendship with Ryuzaki is no longer existent, despite her efforts of talking to Ryuzaki and wanting to still be friends but Ryuzaki didn't seem to want that so she stopped her attempts. She was upset about it for a couple days, but eventually I managed to make her happy by asking her if she wanted to go honey collecting.

So here we are, I felt a little irritated that it wasn't just only us two - the senpai-tachi's decided to come join in, teasing me about it and this made me feel annoyed.

"Senpai-tachi's - don't you all have something better to do than THIS?" I ask, annoyed and Momo-senpai snickers with Eiji-senpai.

"Nyaa, Ochibi - don't be meaaan! Ne, ne, let's goo!!" He jumps up and down, excited to be here and I sighed loudly. I felt Yuzuhara's small warm hands gently tug at my own.

"Echizen-kun, let's go," she says and I nod as I grab her hand and tightly holding it as we walk into the reception area to collect our bee gear. Fuji-senpai, Inui-senpai, Oishi-senpai and Buchou all tagged along to my annoyance but Yuzuhara didn't mind. Once our gear was on, we wondered into the beehive's lead by a specialist and Yuzuhara's eyes widen in awe at how busy it was in here.

"Amazing..." She whispers, her eyes sparkling behind the protective helmet. This causes me to smile, her expression is what makes me feel the butterflies in my stomach - I want to also show her a garden filled with all sorts of butterflies too sometime soon.

We listen intently as to what the specialist is saying and how to collect the honey and from the corner of my eye I see Eiji-senpai panicking with how many bees were around him. I smirked, finding it amusing.

"GAAHH EIJI-SENPAI!!" Momo-senpai screamed, startling everyone, including the bees as they buzz around violently, the specialist trying his spray to calm them down but failing as Momo-senpai and Eiji-senpai ran around, screaming. I almost felt sorry for them but then decided I shouldn't because it's their fault in the first place.

After the chaos subsided, we all managed to gather some honey for ourselves and I see Yuzuhara smile in triumph as her jar is full of fresh honey. We remove our gear once we were safely out of the hives and the receptionist gave us stickers to prove that they are freshly collected and can be used anytime. As we walk out, I whispered into Yuzuhara's ears.

"Want to come back to mine and we make some cakes with the honey?" She replies with a happy nod as we excuse ourselves. Momo-senpai tries to stop us saying that he wants to come too but get's held back by Fuji-senpai saying that he'll treat them lunch. I nod towards Fuji-senpai as a thanks as we make our way to the bus.

"Hn, Echizen is very attentive when it comes to her, huh," Inui says, writing things in his notebook and Fuji just grins.

"Young love," he whispers as he drags both Momo and Eiji away as they go the other direction.

We sit in the bus, our hands intertwined gently as she sleeps on my shoulder. I smile gently at her, kissing her forehead I lean my head against hers. The journey wasn't long so I woke her up after 10 minutes and we gathered some ingredients from the convenience store and headed back to my place.

"Welcome home, shounen and his lovely girlfriend," my old man teases, greeting us and I scowl at him as he snickers. We walk into the kitchen, greeted by my mum.

"Hello. Would you like to make honey cake with us?" Yuzuhara asks with a polite bow and mum and Nanako-nee both nod happily.

"I'll play tennis with my dad, is that ok?" I ask her and she smiles at me with a nod and I gently kiss her forehead as I walk to the back of the courts of our house.

"I've never seen Ryoma-san this sweet before," Nanako says, giggling as she weighs and measures the ingredients.

"I'm surprised too - but he can be very sweet when he wants to be," Yuzuhara replies, causing Nanako to smile and Rinko giggling. I rally with my old man, I still haven't beaten him yet in any games but I wasn't planning on giving up. In the end I was defeated, once again and I decided to head back in to see how the cake was doing.

"It's in the oven now - we'll decorate it once it's cooled," Yuzuhara comes towards the back door, handing me a towel and I thank her.

"We'll decorate it together, I'm going to shower - give me a few minutes," I say and she nods, I smile at her as I make my way upstairs. I hurriedly showered then headed downstairs - the cake already cooling off on the side whilst they cook dinner.

"Ah, right, I forgot to mention but after we make dinner - we'll be going out with some old friends of mine and Nanako will be going to a University meet up. Is that okay with you both?" My mum asks and I nod, I look over at Yuzuhara to see what she thinks and she just smiles.

"Behave you two," my old man says, snickering and I threw a ball at him, causing him to yelp and scowl towards me. Once dinner was done - they all headed out and it was just me and Yuzuhara at the dinner table.

"Mmn this is good," she gasps as she eats a tempura and I could only nod, mums cooking is really delicious. Once we were done with dinner, we got to making the icing and decorating the cake.

"Hahah, Echizen-kun, you got icing sugar on your nose," she giggles as she gently wipes it off my face, and as she does I grab her wrist gently as I pull her towards me, kissing her on the lips gently.

"You had some on the side of your lips too," I say, licking my own lips, causing her to blush a deep dark red as she pouts.

"Echizen-kun..." she pouts and I smirk.

"Ryoma. Try it," I say, encouraging her to say my first name and she shakes her head no.

"Why not," I question as I pull her closer, causing her to flush even more.

"B-Because...!" She stutters and I couldn't help but tease her; I gently use my index finger to tilt her head towards me.

"Chori, say my name," I whisper huskily into her ear and she stammers.

"R-Ryoma..." and with that, I kiss her, a little more firmly than the first one and much longer, causing her to catch her breath.

"Beautifully done," I compliment and she blushes, gently punching me on the chest then we continue to decorate the cake. Loving her is the best thing I could ask for - I'm glad she's mine.

WOOOO, LETS GOOOO ECHIZEN. Ahem - thank you guys for sticking to this story and giving me compliments and ahhh the votes and everything - thank you. I think I'll make this the last chapter and the next one will be an Epilogue, yes?

It's not a long chapter BUT I felt like perhaps I should add more fluff so I did - I hope you guy's are satisfied with this if not... I can try to make it saucier, if you vote some more I may make a side story >:3 (LOL jks, I'm terrible at making things saucy to be honest but if you would like more fluff and romance - I may make something if you guy's want it).

Once more - thank you! Look forward to the Epilogue~!

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