Chapter 02

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Ps. This story is mostly going to be told in 1st and 3rd Person.

3rd Person

The image of ████'s dead body flashing through his mind, pale white skin, eyes rolled into his skull, blood running down his mouth, still torso, and a faint smile on his face. Shooting up faster than light, Venti wakes up with a scream, tears cascading down his small porcelain face, and pupils smaller than a mustard seed. As he tried to catch his breathe after witnessing that traumatic scene, he started sobbing his eyes out, one by one his tears hit the grass soon turning into a pitter patter like the rain hitting the roof of a house.

1st Person

'Why did he have to leave me all alone..? It hurts so much. Half of me died at that moment. I'm such a bad friend I couldn't even say goodbye, I didn't even comfort him, He probably thinks I'm annoying all I did was scream to get some help for him. Yet he died before he could be healed. I failed him, I don't deserve anyone. If I knew that would've happened that day I wouldn't have let him out of house. I'm so useless! I couldn't even protect the person I cared about  the most. Why am I so weak? Why? I thought I was an archon yet I cannot protect anything..Im a failure, I should've died instead. He didn't deserve to die he should've lived on I should have died that day. It would be better he would probably forget about me anyways.
I don't deserve to live. I'm supposed to be an archon but I can't even protect one person! Not even one! I'm weak so so so weak! Why couldn't I just have died already? I don't deserve the people of Mondstat at all, they deserve a better archon I'm terrible. I can only play the lyre, other than that I'm useless..I'm so fucking useless! Why am I even an archon? Why did celestia give me a gnosis? I don't deserve it! Why was I able to chat with the other archons and think I was on the same level? IM WEAK! I should've bowed down to each of them! I'm nothing compared to them! I don't deserve the archon title. I could just die and nobody would miss me, they'd miss my music only.. I shouldn't even step near Mondstat at all, I don't deserve Mondstat. The people won't even know that their "god" is gone, I'm just a drunk and useless bard to them.'

3rd Person

The sound of someone walking on grass and getting a little louder every time a very squeaky voice chatting away alerted the bard that someone was close, as he hastily wiped away his tears and checked who this mysterious person was. He looked over to where the sound had came from with his puffy eyes feeling like absolute shit.

He saw a slim blonde with a long braid that swung every time he walked, and a fairy? He was confused on who these people were as he had never seen a fairy that had such immense power and wasn't hostile.

He was deciding on whether or not he should stay or run. If he ran he might get caught and then killed by the fairy, yet if he stayed he would also get killed by the fairy. Either way he would die or so he thought, but before he could choose which option the strange people were already up in his face. The blonde was waving his hand in his face trying to get his attention.


Pretty nice huh?

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