Chapter 03

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Sorry about forgetting I had Wattpad for a little bit and then forgetting that I had wrote a story🤧

3rd Person

"Hello, uhm sir do you happen to know where the nearest city is?" The strange blond man said to him, effectively snapping venti back to reality. "Please don't call me sir it makes me sound old, just call me Venti," Venti said nervously as he fiddles with his  fingers." Nice to meet you Venti, my name is Aether and this is my emer-tour guide paimon."He says while pointing to the fairy. "Paimon is starving Aether do you still have any more food left?" Aether's eyes bulge out of their sockets and his mouth flies open,"I just fed you like half of my food much can you eat??"

"I could help you both get to the city for the cost of a few apples, ehe!" Sighing with relive,"Ah thank you Venti I would appreciate it if you could since my 'tour guide' doesn't seem to be efficient." He says as he side eyes paimon who seems to take clear offense to that statement. Holding back a laugh Venti says, "Well it seems like it's fine to start our journey to mondstat, care for a few stories?"

That's all you get I might update in a week or tmr

I update so frequently man being a writer is a lot🤧

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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